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Problem printing ABS  

Eminent Member
Problem printing ABS

Hi all guys.......i'm here another time to ask you some help 😀

The problem is this:

yesterday i print a replacement part for the printer (only to print something and test the ABS),i slice it using Slic3er Prusa Edition.
I use the preset downloaded with the program,filament Prusa ABS,setting 0.2 Normal.
All go perfect.

the i try to print a round model base (25mm ) with an hexagon pattern in the top layer,i use the same Filament setting,but i change the printer setting,i use the 0.1 mm layer height with 0.25mm nozzle (i have this nozzle installed on the printer).....then,the ABS filaments can't bond/stick/remain on the bed.

So,today i have bought ABS juice,spy it and print another 2 pieces using 0.20 mm layer height preset,al fine.
After i try to print the same base of yesterday using 0.1mm Detail fine
Then i re-try to print the same base using 0.1mm layer height Detail with 0.25mm nozzle preset,and....nothing,using this preset the ABS won't stay on the bed.....also if i use the Juice or the stick glue sold with the printer.

Can you give me som information/advice/idea to solve this problem,because i have bought the printer for modeler purpose,and i need the best resolution as possible 😀

Thank you very much

From Florence with Rage!!!!!

Posted : 03/01/2017 11:59 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Problem printing ABS

I'm having similar issues with ABS. I have a separate post opened here but no reply yet. Like you I've tried the included glue (which helped some) but have pretty consistent problems with ABS lifting at the corners. I asked what the settings in the printer farm are since they clearly have figured out how to run these printers with ABS. Other things I've tried which might help are building an enclosure (I used a 60cm cube of rigid foam insulation) to eliminate drafts and keep the ambient temp up.

Posted : 04/01/2017 1:14 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Problem printing ABS

i have also try do slow down the speed of perimeter and to lower the first layer speed %,to lower the layer height and to increase the layer width and flow ratio....but nothing......i don't know how to fix my issue


From Florence with Rage!!!!!

Posted : 04/01/2017 11:12 am
Trusted Member
Re: Problem printing ABS

can you post a picture of your first layer?

Posted : 04/01/2017 11:23 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Problem printing ABS


the first layer height is properly set (if i slice with a 0.2mm height then the height is really 0.2mm).
In the photo,the lower left side is the only point that have adhesion with the bed (the filament have a planar surface) after that the filament don't have adhesion and have a round section,cause it don't stick.....using abs juice is the same.


ps: the first line that the printer lay down in the lower left corner always stick to the bed. (as everything i print using 0.2mm layer height resolution 😐 )

From Florence with Rage!!!!!

Posted : 04/01/2017 11:43 am
Trusted Member
Re: Problem printing ABS

are you swapping the nozzle? as far as I understand it is advised to re-run the calibration each time you change the nozzle.

from the picture you posted I'd say you have to lower the z height

Posted : 04/01/2017 12:30 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Problem printing ABS

no,i always use the same nozzle,anyway,i try to lower the layer height until the nozzle almost touch the bed (and the extruded filament stop coming out as a filament but it started to be attached at the nozzle) but nothing have change using the 0.1 detail preset...........using 0.2 normal preset al work perfectly.

I have to try to increase flow? decrease the speed? lower the first layer height?

From Florence with Rage!!!!!

Posted : 04/01/2017 12:40 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Problem printing ABS

Make the first layer .2mm and it should work ok!

there is an enforced minimum first layer height, which is probably tripping you up!

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 04/01/2017 12:56 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Problem printing ABS

first layer 0.2mm thick is the standard preset if i can remember,i have try it,but i will try do print using it another time.

instead i don't understand the part about the enforced first layer height 😀


From Florence with Rage!!!!!

Posted : 04/01/2017 4:17 pm
Active Member
Re: Problem printing ABS

my first layer PLA looks like that.

Posted : 05/01/2017 1:54 am
Honorable Member
Re: Problem printing ABS

ABS does not work well on an open frame printer, particularly with larger prints, you can get curling at the edges and lifting. You need an enclosed oven like environment for great ABS prints ie environmental control. I used to own a DaVinci 1.0A which was solely an ABS printer, and was built like an oven. It gave good ABS prints with 0.2 layer height, any better was not good. Great for my quadcopter arms. However it used propriety ABS cartridges with a built in chip. Sometimes genuine cartridges were not recognised due to a faulty cartridge chip. So I hacked it with Repetier 0.92 firmware. Freedom to use any material I wanted. I tweaked the settings, but below 0.2 layer height prints were rubbish, after many hours of tweaking and internet searches for settings.

So I have abandoned ABS for some newer materials, like NGEN and PLA Plus < more durable than ABS, which print well without shrinkage on my Genuine Prusa I3 MK2

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Posted : 05/01/2017 4:39 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Problem printing ABS

Hi all,thank you for reply.......i want to use ABS because for modeling purpose i can fill it with putty (acetone based), sand it with sandpaper and is a good bases for paint.

i'm waiting for trying the polysmooth,as i can read it may have same properties (surface properties) of the ABS,but any other filament that can be sanded,colored,using putty on it would be fine for me,do you know anything similar?

Thank you

From Florence with Rage!!!!!

Posted : 05/01/2017 8:35 am
Active Member
Re: Problem printing ABS

The first layer is critical with ABS--if that doesn't stick well or isn't printed well I abort the print and try again.

I've made plenty of successful prints with ABS on my Mk2 but I found that you need a real clean bed and carefully adjusted first layer extruder height. I adjust the Z offset by printing the supplied V2Calibration model at 50% speed and carefully slower lowering the extruder until the nozzle is almost leaving a concave depression in the printed filament (don't dig into the bed!) and then raising the extruder about 0.02 mm.

Generally when printing ABS, I:
1. Enable brims in Slic3r and set them to 2mm or more.
2. Don't use 100% infill (unless I must, but the chances of curling and detachment while printing goes way up.)
3. Set the first layer to print with the extruder at 255C and subsequent layers at 240C. I leave the bed at 100C.
4. Clean the bed well with 95%+ isopropyl alcohol before each print.
5. For particularly tricky prints like slim, tall objects I try to enhance the first layer adhesive even more. I increase the brim and during the printer warm-up, I use the front panel to set the print speed to 40% and set the extruder to 150 (through the Live Adjustment menu) for the first layer. When the printer starts the second layer I then reset the extruder to 100 and print speed to 100%.

Even then ABS prints will mess up once and a while.

Posted : 07/01/2017 10:08 pm