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Prints Instantly Failing  

New Member
Prints Instantly Failing


For the first few weeks of using my printer, I would print flawlessly every time. I was printing one day, the print was going great until halfway through it failed. Ever since then I can't get anything to print.

At first, I thought it may be an issue with nozzle clogging. I used a needle to clear it out, and when I ran the extruder motor the filament seemed to come out consistently.

I thought my pinda probe may have gotten tweaked, so I did many small adjustments with it. Nothing seemed to work.

I tried different bed adhesion techniques.

My stepper motor isn't skipping or anything.


Posted : 08/01/2018 5:18 am
Estimable Member
Re: Prints Instantly Failing

Most certainly no underextrusion considering those substantial spaghetthi...

Taking in account you did some prints and suddenly the noozle seems to be somewhat to high
there something seems to be messed up, perhaps came loose.
Check your printer mechanically and do all calibration steps again.

Posted : 08/01/2018 6:04 pm