Print Times Bundled prints
Why do my prints from the 3d bundle that came with the printer take much longer than what the description states.
For example the bottle opener is supposed to take 25 minutes. Well, mine has now been printing for 25 minutes and is no where near complete.
Regards, John
Re: Print Times Bundled prints
3d bundle? like in slicer? where does it state the print time? a 0.1mm layer height can take nearly 3x longer than a 0.35 one..... so depends what settings you used to slice it.
if you mean off the SD card, no idea. you'll learn how long a print will actually take vs the estimate in time. estimates never correct...
Re: Print Times Bundled prints
It is off the SD card. I never used the slicer as they were in Gcode. The estimate off the Prusa site was 25 minutes, however it took over 1 hour.