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Preheating Issue  

New Member
Preheating Issue

Hello everyone,

I've recently finished constructing my Prusa I3 Mk2S, and was going through calibrations. I was at the stage of the calibration workflow where we do a test print to adjust nozzle to bed height, and so I needed to preheat the nozzle for PLA.

However when heating, the nozzle went from room temperature to scolding hot in a matter of seconds, while the bed had barely increased. Now the temperature readings on the LCD stated 25 degrees and rising for the nozzle, and 30 degrees and rising for the bed. I do not think it is an issue with the thermostat, as both readings increase over time as you would imagine.

During my first time doing this, the nozzle hadn't even reached 30 degrees when smoke started to come from the side-fan and from the hexagonal hole above it.

Does anyone have any ideas about why this is occurring and what the issue may be? If you require any further information please let me know, and thanks in advance

Posted : 03/06/2017 1:13 pm