PC Will not detect printer for firmware upgrade
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PC Will not detect printer for firmware upgrade  

New Member
PC Will not detect printer for firmware upgrade

Hi All

I am brand new to this and am having no dramas printing at the moment. One thing I can not do is update the firmware. I have downloaded and installed the latest drivers, I am using the firmware updater. I can not detect the printer at all. When I trouble shoot the device through control panel I keep getting the message "Can't connect properly with USB 3.0". I have tried using a USB 2.0 port, have used a different cable, have used all available USB connections on my PC and still get nothing! I have reinstalled the drivers, rebooted, uninstalled etc etc. Still nothing. I am selecting COM3 when I try to upgrade firmware.

I have attached screen shots of what I am talking about so that should make sense.

Posted : 31/05/2017 2:40 am
New Member
Re: PC Will not detect printer for firmware upgrade

I got the same problem with firmware upgrade.
Did you solved it?

Printing with Pronterface works fine.

Posted : 10/08/2017 6:10 pm