Object detached in middle of large print
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Object detached in middle of large print  

New Member
Object detached in middle of large print

Detached in the middle of an 22 hour print. More brim? I had 5mm. Glue stick?

Posted : 25/03/2017 4:09 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Object detached in middle of large print

everything ok here

now detached:

Posted : 25/03/2017 4:10 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Object detached in middle of large print

Slic3r preview at that point:

first layer with 5mm brim:

Any ideas? thank you!

Posted : 25/03/2017 4:11 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Object detached in middle of large print

Moin Entwickler,

what filament are you using here? PLA? ABS?

Is you first layer getting squished down enough? Try Jeffs Z calibration procedure when in doubt: http://shop.prusa3d.com/forum/prusa-i3-kit-building-calibrating-first-print-main-f6/life-adjust-z-my-way-t2981.html

With PLA, this thing should stick on a clean PEI sheet (a quick Aceton Wash every now and then works wonders if adhesion does deteriorate..).

With ABS, i'd probably try even more brim and a (thin) layer of gluestick / hairspray / magigoo / whatnot. Thin being the keyword - I see a lot of youtube videos where folks pile it on like plaster..

Try monitoring a print with the help of the included Pronterface or OctoPi or somesuch. Seen a few cases where the bed stopped heating intermittently (depending on the way the wires are bent at thgis point) and this could cause print to detach mid print as well. Broken wires or poorly seated connectors were often the root cause there.

PS: I do kinda wonder about this first layer a bit. That's not much surface on the bed there. Is it bridging this later on - cause further up the model seems to be solid with proper infill.. I guess it is supposed to get stuck on top of another part. Kinda curious design choice imho

Posted : 25/03/2017 9:38 pm