Nozzle inprint on surface Prusa logo
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Nozzle inprint on surface Prusa logo  

Active Member
Nozzle inprint on surface Prusa logo

After assembling the kit my first print is the Prusa logo with the provided silver PLA. I followed the manual on calibration etc.
I found one issue with the print. See red circles on the attached image. It looks like the nozzle left an imprint on when leaving the surface 😕 .
Can somebody give me a direction how to resolve this?

Thanks in advance for your reply,


Posted : 26/08/2017 2:46 pm
Noble Member
Re: Nozzle inprint on surface Prusa logo

It is hard to tell from your picture, but if the print curled up at all from the bed, you will get top surface issues like this.

Worse, you will have a print eventually break loose from the print bed and make a huge mess (which can damage the extruder wiring).

The real key thing to look at when starting out is the quality of the FIRST LAYER, which provides very good bed adhesion and prevents curling, and failures like I described above.

The calibration method in the manual (V2 Calibration) is good if you know what you are doing and what you are looking for, but it is really an art form, and I had many problems with it when I started (and many other on this forum also) because I was getting a marginal first layer and the printer seemed hit or miss. Reading these forums, I found there are better ways to do the calibration that is more fool proof (more obvious what you are looking for) and now the system is very reliable.

That advice as been consolidated into this post:

If that does not help, please comment back here and we can see what we can figure out.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 26/08/2017 4:02 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Nozzle inprint on surface Prusa logo


I'll dive into the linked post, recalibrate, reclean and reprint.

Just for the moment I'll add some detail pics:
1. Side taken from bottom corner "P" (seeing the corner has a little lift). No other 'mayor' lifts can be seen on the sides
2. Back side
3. Detail of the front

So I'll be an artist when I'm done 😀 .

Posted : 26/08/2017 5:04 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Nozzle inprint on surface Prusa logo

I did some recalibration and testing.
The first thing is that I had some adhesion problems with the bed. After cleaning on a warm bed with IPA the filament would not stick. It had wait several minutes to be completely evaporated I guess

1. My first test see above (adhsion problem in one corner)
2. Second test after re-calibration: Z-heigth not correct, see right side structure between line more open (bigger adhesion problem in one corner)
3. Z-heigth adusted using Live Adjust Z and using the provided glue stick (adhesion problem gone in the corner)
4. No glue, but another adjustment of the Z-heigth using Live Adjust Z: nozzle closer to the bed 0.050mm (adhsion problem also gone in the corner)

So I could solve the problem of the corner at the 'P' curling up by using Live Adjust Z, but I'm still left with the imprint of the nozzle. I've searched some other posts and found a more extreme one ( html), but I don't think it's related.
I've also printed the Marvin and this one came looked OK (see attachments next reply).

I've also looked at other results and could see that some are more or less the same (see attachments next reply). Am I to critical on the result?

Posted : 27/08/2017 6:59 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Nozzle inprint on surface Prusa logo

Other attachments

Posted : 27/08/2017 7:03 pm
Noble Member
Re: Nozzle inprint on surface Prusa logo


Is your room particularly warm or cold?

You might have a slight over extrusion (rare). Search "Calibrate Extruder" in this forum.

Try cleaning the bed with acetone - it might have gotten some oil on it reducing adhesion. This is normally not needed, but if the bed is very dirty/oily it can bring it back to new. With a good Live Z, and a good squish (your #4 does), you should have no adhesion issues unless there is a contaminate on the bed. Rub with a paper towel first with acetone, then with IPA. In both cases, use as pure a stuff as you can - some have additives that might be good for your nails or skin, but prevent adhesion on the PEI.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 27/08/2017 9:09 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Nozzle inprint on surface Prusa logo

The prusa logo always seems to overextrude for me. I don't know how they sliced it. That amp not of overextrusion is par for what I've seen, I suggest you just move along and print something else!

Posted : 28/08/2017 8:46 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Nozzle imprint on surface Prusa logo

At the moment it’s ‘warm’ in the Netherlands. I was printing in a room at 27°C/81°F. Could be a cause when reading on the calibration of the extruder. I’ll look at some sources when I really start with printing (sources for the record: and ).
I’ll do some good cleaning of my board, could be some bearing grease came onto the bed during the build.

I showed some collegues of mine the results (they are having an Ultimaker 2). They told me not to worry about it, since the Prusa logo #4 and the Marvin had a good quality. Yes, I really need to start printing, and I’ll do some calibration of the extruder along the way.

Thanks all for the moment.

Posted : 28/08/2017 8:26 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Nozzle inprint on surface Prusa logo

The first thing is that I had some adhesion problems with the bed.

by the way, have you seen this thread (it's recommended to read at least the first 4 - 6 sites) ?
as far as I can see, even with your last pictures/prints, your first layer setup isn't pristine.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Posted : 28/08/2017 10:07 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Nozzle inprint on surface Prusa logo

The first thing is that I had some adhesion problems with the bed.

by the way, have you seen this thread (it's recommended to read at least the first 4 - 6 sites) ?
as far as I can see, even with your last pictures/prints, your first layer setup isn't pristine.

After some printing I now see what you mean Jeff. You've got a very good test here. Thanks. The intial test in the manual gives you a rough figure and I suggest that people (especially newbies) use your test to tweak it better. In the attachment my results are showing. I descided to proceed with the .500 since lower (425-450) will give me some opening spots and higher (527) around the edges it becomes more rough.

I've also corrected the extrution feed; on 100mm it gave me 98mm. With the 0.527 first layer correction I've printed the Prusa logo again. The room temperature was also a few degrees lower. This gave me a slight;y better result (see attachment).
I've also printed the callibation cube from Thingiverse . It came out nice and also the correct size of 20.0x20.0x20.0mm

Thanks all for your help and comments

Posted : 02/09/2017 12:03 pm