New i3 MK2 from kit, slicer performance
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New i3 MK2 from kit, slicer performance  

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New i3 MK2 from kit, slicer performance

1.First print tests on my newly-assembled i3 Mk2 demonstrate conclusively that Slic3r outperforms Simplify3D when printing PLA without a working print fan. Why? No clue. Please don't ask how I know this - I already feel dumber than dirt. 😳

2. Pay extra attention when connecting the Print Cooling fan lead to the board (Section 8, Step 16, Part 3). This is the red and black pair with a red sleeve marker. Plug it in so the red wire is closest to the gray surface mount chip, NOT the fuses. No matter who tells you differently, the print fan simply will not work with the red and black reversed. <sigh>

That said, I can't believe how this printer hits the ground running when properly assembled and wired...... uh, when properly assembled and builder-created wiring errors have been fixed. I've been building kits since before Heathkit released their first TV kit and Josef's instructions are among the best. Color me tickled!!

Posted : 18/08/2016 12:27 am