Moving Z axis while at print pause
Hi everyone,
Im trying to print on net fabric. The method Im using requires me to pause printing after a layer or two and attach the fabric to the build plate.
Mounting the fabric requires to send the extruder away (both XY and Z) and then adjust the Z up a bit. After pausing, I can only move X and Y axis.
Does anyone did such thing?
Re: Moving Z axis while at print pause
I have this same question. Anybody know how to modify the gcode or use Slic3r PE to pause and move the extruder it off the way? I've tried everything I've seen on these forms and elsewhere but I think my mmu 2.0 keeps messing up the color change route.
Re: Moving Z axis while at print pause
This is actually a really good request and should be added to the firmware. I've had a few situations when it would be great to get the whole extruder well out of the way during a pause... especially Z.