MK2S Bearing Noise and Resistance
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MK2S Bearing Noise and Resistance  

New Member
MK2S Bearing Noise and Resistance

I have started assembling my newly received MK2S kit but stopped when I got to the mounting of the carriage onto the x-axis stage (that is part 2.26 of the assembly guide by the way). The reason is that the bearings do not sound right to me and I wanted to make sure nothing was amiss before proceeding.

The carriage does not run very smoothly along the rods and seems to have more resistance at the extreme ends than in the middle. It also makes a metal-on-metal noise similar to a zipper, for lack of a better comparison. Not terribly loud but definitely noticeable.

I have measured an re-measured and everything else checks out when it comes to the assembly. Nothing is bent, crooked or over-tightened. I was also very careful to follow the assembly instructions. I tested one of the remaining bearings and it seemed to run considerably more smoothly and less noisily.

I would love if someone with assembly experience could either point to the likely problem or assure me that this is normal. It would ease my mind.


Posted : 03/06/2017 4:25 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MK2S Bearing Noise and Resistance

Update: I exchanged two of the three bearings in the carriage for different ones from the kit. Night and day. It now glides much better and makes way less noise. I can only surmise that the two I removed are either damaged or defective in some way.

Posted : 03/06/2017 9:53 pm
Eminent Member
Re: MK2S Bearing Noise and Resistance

I have been dealing with the same issue. Infact, i contacted support. they are now sending me new bearing and rods. My z Rods have been scored/marred by the bad bearings. AND all of the posts i have put up here in the forum concerning Print Quality Issues have been diagnosed. everything points to bad bearings.

Posted : 06/06/2017 12:44 am