MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?
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MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?  

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Re: MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?

Thanks for those tips Peter, I found on the MK1 that the motor always gets pulled a little out of position when the belt is just right (I think it could do with some sort of back end bracket) so have set the MK2 to the same roughly. If I do it so the motor doesn't get pulled the belt is always to loose!

I've given the grub screws in all the pulleys an extra twist using an 'Allen key screwdriver' (jewellers screwdriver?) and they are as tight as I can get them.

The only things we've noticed are:

  • The holes for the X-End switch were too small to get the bolts started.

  • One of the bolts in the X-End and one in the Y-End switch won't grip ('Stripped thread' style) I think they should have had nuts inserted really.

  • The Y-Axis motor as I said needs a back-end bracket to stop it being pulled out of place when the belt is tight enough.

  • The method of attaching the belts needs improving as they are next to impossible to get on as shown in the manual!

  • The little cone shaped Z-Motor thingies are a nightmare to get started on the Lead Screws, and could do with tweak to allow them to be held easier by pliers (which is what we had to do).
  • Apart from that it's been pretty easy to do and the plastic parts seem sturdier than those in the MK1.

    We've managed to do the X-Axis and Z-Axis as well now, so nearly there! The rest will have to wait until tomorrow though...

    Napsal : 06/07/2016 9:16 pm
    Antient Member Moderator
    Re: MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?

    Never had any of those issues 😉 😉

    I believe that Josef is aware of everything you mention; it just takes time to go through the system...


    Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

    Napsal : 06/07/2016 9:24 pm
    Moderátor Moderator
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?

    Working on the Extruder step today, and the brass pulley/grub screw is defective, the little screw just pushes in and out of the hole without gripping so it's no use. Either pulley or the screw must have had it's thread stripped when it was inserted in the factory!

    We're jinxed, jinxed I tell you!! 😥

    We had a few problems with our MK1 kit and now with the upgrade to the MK2 kit!

    At least we can finish this step while waiting for Prusa to respond to our email...

    Napsal : 07/07/2016 12:04 pm
    Antient Member Moderator
    Re: MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?

    Shree had a similar issue with the grub screw; he had extra threaded holes drilled and cut into his drive gear.

    Or you could use the one from the Mk 1


    Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

    Napsal : 07/07/2016 12:50 pm
    Moderátor Moderator
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?

    I haven't got the means to modify the part. I am using the old one from the MK1 as you suggested for now, but it is a bit tired looking so I've emailed Prusa for a replacement.

    Napsal : 07/07/2016 1:24 pm
    Moderátor Moderator
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?

    We've done the Extruder and the LCD... but we can't get any further until Prusa get back to us about the PSU-reinforcement part that doesn't fit. We know it's optional but we want to use it to help with keeping the frame accurate and stable. I've seen on here that a couple of people have glued it on leaving a big space at the end, but surely that defeats the purpose of stabilising it all?! 😥

    I got in touch with Prusa via the chat and the woman on there said they want a video of the grub-screw not tightening it the pulley!! I've never heard of anything so ridiculous! I pointed her to the picture on here of the PSU part not fitting that someone else put up and she said to move the z-frame backwards until it fit! Again ridiculous, considering how many people are reporting the issue in the manual comments and on here you'd think they'd have a solution or at least know about it!!

    This is the first time I've had trouble with their support who I think are being overzealous!

    Napsal : 07/07/2016 2:34 pm
    Moderátor Moderator
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?

    Well, we finally got it finished! We had to use the old extruder motor pulley from our MK1, and we have left off the PSU-reinforcment piece for now. The only other issue we had was one of the screws holding a heatbed corner doesn't want to grip the thread tight and just keeps on turning. Oh, and we forgot to flash the RAMBo with the MK2 firmware so we thought it had all gone wrong! Anyway, ah-hmm, all working now. Ran the V2 calibration print and it went 'OK' needed an adjustment of -0.002 but the bottom nut on the P.I.N.D.A. probe came loose and so it went out of position again. We decided to call a night, and will try readjusting the probe and re-running the calibration tomorrow... but so far so good...

    The things we've noticed are:

  • The Y-Axis motor as I said needs a back-end bracket to stop it being pulled out of place when the belt is tight enough.

  • The holes for the X-End switch were too small to get the bolts started.

  • One of the bolts in the X-End and one in the Y-End switch won't grip ('Stripped thread' style) I think they should have had nuts inserted really.

  • The method of attaching the belts needs improving as they are next to impossible to get on as shown in the manual!

  • The little cone shaped Z-Motor cover things are a nightmare to get started on the Lead Screws, and could do with a tweak to allow them to be held easier by pliers (which is what we had to do).

  • The ribbon cable clips don't hold either the threaded rod or the ribbon cables very well and swivel too much.

  • Two of the bolts in the Heatsink fan won't grip ('Stripped thread' style) I think they should have had nuts inserted really.

  • There is a lot of 'gap' around the fan nozzle on the extruder which will cause leaks and less air to reach the nozzle/print.

  • It is still very fiddly to get to the electronics cover screws.

  • The cabling to RAMBo fitting is still a bit of a nightmare.

  • Neither the Assembly Manual or the 3D Printing guide tell you to flash the RAMBo with the new MK2 version of the firmware, something a newbie would not think of, or as a general reminder to those who may overlook it. 😳
  • Napsal : 08/07/2016 12:13 am
    Moderátor Moderator
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?

    Considering this is all very new to us the build when amazingly easy really. The probe hit the little circles on the heatbed bang in the middle first time! The Calibration printout is printing OK left to right, but crooked from front to back, but we think the probe may be just touching the top as it moves so we are going to try raising it half a mm or so... Also, 😳 we've just discovered about keeping your filament dry... ours has been open since October last year and just sitting on the printer! It's PLA so it's not so disastrous as if it was one of the other types! Still we'll give it a go and see what happens!

    Napsal : 12/07/2016 3:58 pm
    Moderátor Moderator
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?

    OK, adjusted the probe and it no longer touches the top of the prints. It is in fact now lined up exactly as shown in the manual! The whole Live Z-adjust thingy had us flummoxed at first, but in the end what we found the best was to lower the level until the filament was VERY obviously squished into the bed then slowly bring it back up a bit at a time until we were happy with the look. From then on every print has been perfect first time, everytime! 😀

    Today I switched on the printer, told it to print the Whistle and left it to it... came back later to find a perfect, fully working whistle sitting there. Unstuck with just a tiny twist/tug. Brilliant! 😛 So far we've printed the PRUSA sign, the bat symbol, Marvin, the whistle and something of our own design, all prefect first time! Loving it. The MK2 is far easier to use than the MK1 was! 😛

    Napsal : 14/07/2016 1:26 pm
    Antient Member Moderator
    Re: MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?

    That is great news. Well done!

    I will say that since I set up the Mk2, it has "wandered" slightly with the nozzle slowly getting further away from the bed. Today I had to make an adjustment to lower the nozzle by about 0.03mm.

    Whereas my Mk1 has not had to be adjusted since I broke the glass sheet removing a part about 10 days ago...

    Overall, I think the Mk2 is easier to print with once set up; it's the setting up that is a right pain. The Mk1 was much more forgiving!


    Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

    Napsal : 14/07/2016 1:42 pm
    Active Member
    Re: MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?

    def spend 1000 hours perfecting the main threaded rods "y axis" its such a pain in the bottom to fix them later

    Napsal : 14/07/2016 8:20 pm
    Moderátor Moderator
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: MK2 Upgrade kit coming Thursday, any advice before I start?

    Thank you to everyone who posted tips and suggestions they made the whole process a joy. The printer build went smoothly and it works brilliantly!

    Napsal : 26/07/2016 3:52 pm
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