Left right bed level correction maxed and still not enough
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Left right bed level correction maxed and still not enough  

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Left right bed level correction maxed and still not enough

I purchased the kit and put it together meticulously. I ran the selftest everything is perfect. I ran the XYZ calibration and it says the X-Y are perpendicular, and no issues at all with it. I then ran the v2calibration gcode, and adjusted the z-adjustment according to the left side. This is where the issue comes in. The left side always looked more smushed.

I was able to get some prints as long as it used the middle of the bed and ran the bed at 60, but the right side always looked a little off on the first layer. I believe this was the reason for some of the failed prints too.

I decided I wanted to fix it up a bit starting with bed level correction. I ended up getting it to left -35 and right at 25, but there didn't seem to be much of a difference, so I wanted to adjust my -0.968mm z live adjustment a bit too. I made some adjustments to the probe, and I re ran the full XYZ calibration. I was able to get it down to -0.367mm, but now it seems to be even worse then before.

I went into bed level correction and adjusted it bit by bit to -50 left and +50 right. This got it close-ish. I ran the first layer of the prusa print on the SD card and the right side still has little gaps that you can see through, but the left 2/3s looks pretty decent.

I have done some research, and from that i adjusted up the trapezoidal nuts on the z axis so they do not even touch anything. I have re-run every calibration (I did notice that the bed level correction didn't reset after an XYZ calibration, so I reset it and ran the XYZ calibration again. Here i noticed an odd things again though. Where it stopped after the calibration, I moved the x-axis and it looked nice and even all the way across. When i told it to auto home and did the same the space increased slowly until half way then the space increase more quickly. Ending with a much larger space to the far right then the far left. I didn't notice any movement in the z-axis when i was moving the x-axis on either test either. Watching the calibration, it looks like it gets down nice and close to the bed at every point. The bed mesh leveling before every print looks like it gets close.

I did notice that the left z-axis threaded part does have a slight wobble in it, but the right does not. Also the left motor felt warmer then the right (not sure if that was just due to the ambient effects though). When I auto home then move just the x-axis from one side to the other, the space increases by about 4 times. The bed mesh leveling before every print looks like it gets about the same distance on each check though.

I'm not sure what else I can do at this point. would this be an issue with the bed? The left and/or right z-axis motor? I just got this in the mail last week and would like to do more printing if I could get this fixed. 😥

Posted : 25/01/2017 11:16 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Left right bed level correction maxed and still not enough

I wanted to add, i checked for level on the top, on the x-axis bars, and on the bed, everything is level.... which makes this make even less sense to me.

Posted : 26/01/2017 2:08 am
Active Member
Re: Left right bed level correction maxed and still not enough

I had similiar problems and it turned out that the mounting holes in the Frame, for the "Z-axis-top-right" and "Z-axis-top-left" were on diffrent higths.

Posted : 26/01/2017 7:32 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Left right bed level correction maxed and still not enough

Looking at the top of the frame, the left bracket is a little rotated clockwise slightly. The right side looks perfectly in line with the frame. Looking at your pics got me thinking, i don't remember ever seeing anyone have the rods sticking out above those brackets. Mine both stick out a bit and the one on the right sticks out farther. I grabbed some measurements and found the left side bracket is 5.26mm and the rod sticks out about 2.7mm, and the right side is 5.28mm with the rod sticking out about 3mm. Not sure how i can see that little difference with my bare eyes. I looked at the bottom of the rods, and I'm not sure that they actually went all the way into the motor mount pieces now. I'm starting to think that might be the issue. When I get a few more mins I'll see if those will go farther into those brackets. When assembling, I pressed pretty hard, and thought I felt it slide in. Is there any suggestions on getting those rods in without breaking anything?

Posted : 26/01/2017 10:22 pm
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Topic starter answered:
Re: Left right bed level correction maxed and still not enough

I was able to get the rods in and now they are pretty much right in line now.... builder error @_@.

However, now I have a different issue. I re ran XYZ calibration, and everything went perfect. Then ran the V2calibration, and that seemed to run fairly well. I wanted to confirm the live z adjustment and ran the first layer of the prusa logo on the sd card. It was closer on the right side now, but no where near as bad as it was before in the other direction. I also noticed a lot more noise in the y axis mainly at the right rear calibration point. i played around a little bit and decided to do another XYZ calibration. It completed perfectly, but after that things got much weirder. The v2calibration ran fine, but then I went to run anything and it would the standard mesh bed level check before the print, point 1 and 2 normal, 3 i noticed it touched and slightly moved the bed, 4 it moves the bed a little and stops. It says the sensor didn't trigger, but i watched it trigger. I reseated the wires in the rambo board to make sure and reran just the mesh bed leveling and it run perfect, but the pre print mesh bed leveling stops there everytime now.

I'm going to try a firmware flash, but I'm not sure why that would have been messed up at all.

Posted : 27/01/2017 6:33 am
Active Member
Re: Left right bed level correction maxed and still not enough

I've been discussing this issue with Prusa support since I received my printer last week.

The solution for me was to undo the single M10 nuts holding the Y axis to the frame, lift it up a bit and reseat it. I also tightened the printed part holding the Y axis idler and ensured it stayed level.

Bear in mind that a tiny change in this axis will cause a huge difference in the prints - I didn't notice them being not properly seated before I redid it, but evidently it must have been a milimetre or so out. It's quite tight to get them in in the first place.

Posted : 27/01/2017 11:13 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Left right bed level correction maxed and still not enough

Kirk, i'll check that part again too just to be sure.

After finally getting those rods in correctly, it seems to be far more consistant. The first print looked pretty good all around. I think some minor adjustments might make it even better though.

I should have worked those rods a bit more, they were pretty tight. I had to remove the z axis motors so I could be better leverage to get them in.

Posted : 27/01/2017 4:34 pm