last 3 prints failed due to fused hinges
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last 3 prints failed due to fused hinges  

New Member
last 3 prints failed due to fused hinges

last 3 prints failed due to fused hinges

I've had 3 failed prints in a row due to hinge parts fusing and I'm not quite sure how to diagnose and fix this issue.

I first printed the egg from this print:

And in gently trying to open the egg, the hinge cracked due to it being bonded across the gap

Next I printied this hexaflexagon:

Same issue, print looks great but the hinges are fused:

Then I noticed someone had remixed it to increase the gap sizes to 0.4mm, so I tried that print:

And again, fused hinges.

I'm thinking this might be over extrusion, but I did a extrusion test a month back and my readings sad the prusa was minerly under extruding (100mm cranked out 98mm). I also see no option in PrusaControl to adjust extrusion multiplier. I'm very new to 3dprinting so I've been trying to stick with PrusaControl

Does anyone have any advice?

Posted : 31/01/2018 11:19 pm
Estimable Member
Re: last 3 prints failed due to fused hinges

After you load this model into Slic3r, press the button labeled "Split".
Otherwise, Slic3r tries to merge all the parts into a single piece.

Here's the previews of the same layer from Slic3r before and after doing this:

If you get into the habit of previewing your models after you slice them (step through and look at all the layers) it will save you some time reprinting failures caused by bad models or settings.


Posted : 03/02/2018 3:58 pm
New Member
Re: last 3 prints failed due to fused hinges

Thank you!!!!

Posted : 18/10/2018 10:25 pm