Heated bed and some questions/issues
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Heated bed and some questions/issues  

Trusted Member
Heated bed and some questions/issues

Is there a way to fix the heated bed if the extruder digs into it and leaves some nasty grooves? Mine now has a square dug into it after I had to re-align the z axis and it ended up too low.

Why was a method not developed to prevent this from ever happening anyways? It seems a few people have already had this happen to them with the MK2, Is this the norm with 3D printers in general or is this a design issue on the MK2? Why not have a probe of some sort to stop the z-motor if the extruder tip ever touches the heatbed? It seems like a design defect to me. If the headed bed can't be fixed, is/will there be an option to replace it?

I'd also like to mention that there seems to be something wrong with the menus programming. A few times I had to stop a print because supports broke off mid print or other reasons, and most of the time the print stops and the extruder returns to the home position, but a few times now when I select stop print > yes, the extruder will keep moving in the direction it is printing on until it grinds into whatever is in it's path. Other times the extruder moves back home but the heatbed moves forwards and grinds a bit. It's random but there's obviously some issues there.

I also have had menu options disappear at times. If say during a print I click the knob I have a list of options, but a few times some options were missing like the live z-adjust, which was there earlier when I checked during the same print.

Posted : 17/06/2016 2:11 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

Is there a way to fix the heated bed if the extruder digs into it and leaves some nasty grooves? Mine now has a square dug into it after I had to re-align the z axis and it ended up too low.

Why was a method not developed to prevent this from ever happening anyways? It seems a few people have already had this happen to them with the MK2, Is this the norm with 3D printers in general or is this a design issue on the MK2? Why not have a probe of some sort to stop the z-motor if the extruder tip ever touches the heatbed? It seems like a design defect to me. If the headed bed can't be fixed, is/will there be an option to replace it?

I'd also like to mention that there seems to be something wrong with the menus programming. A few times I had to stop a print because supports broke off mid print or other reasons, and most of the time the print stops and the extruder returns to the home position, but a few times now when I select stop print > yes, the extruder will keep moving in the direction it is printing on until it grinds into whatever is in it's path. Other times the extruder moves back home but the heatbed moves forwards and grinds a bit. It's random but there's obviously some issues there.

I also have had menu options disappear at times. If say during a print I click the knob I have a list of options, but a few times some options were missing like the live z-adjust, which was there earlier when I checked during the same print.

Heatbed: There will be repair set available on eshop. The user will be able to replace damaged surface with new one. The bed itself is usually undamaged.

Menu issues: Are you using latest firmware? Is your cable management correct? My printer always moves X almost to home and Y almost all forward (max Y) when stopped print by hand. Live Z adjust is available only during first layer.

Posted : 17/06/2016 2:56 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

Any idea what $ range the repair kit will cost and how difficult it will be to remove the current PEI film to replace it? Will it also be available on Amazon at some point?

I'm running the one that came with the Printer, 3.0.0, but will update to the latest one when I get home tonight to see if it works. I didn't want to update as I had the Z depth tuned in pretty well until the extruder head somehow caught a buildup of PLA it created and broke the part off the print, along with visibly throwing off the Z alignment. Now I might as well update it.

My cable management is correct, but when stopping a job manually the extruder often acts strange. Sometimes it will sort of just sit there, other times it moves off to the left, and other times it just keeps moving until it grinds into something and I have to manually shut the printer down.

Posted : 17/06/2016 3:29 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues


The behaviour you are experiencing is typical of the firmware version you are running.

You must update as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

The Z adjust settings will not be affected by a firmware upgrade; only if you carry out a factory reset.

Don't forget to re-align the Z axis (move to stops at the top of the printer).


P.S if you find the nozzle hitting the part during head moves, then use the Z-Hop (or Z-Lift) slicer function.

Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 17/06/2016 4:16 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

I'll update tonight and see what happens.

Where can I find the Z-lift setting in Slic3r? Is it the "Only retract when crossing perimeters" option under "infill"? My print was 8+ hours in when the piece broke off, it has been a frustrating day in 3D printing world.

Posted : 17/06/2016 4:30 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

One other question since I haven't done this before, can you update the firmware directly from the microSD card or does the MK2 have to be connected to a computer?

Posted : 17/06/2016 4:32 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

Any idea what $ range the repair kit will cost and how difficult it will be to remove the current PEI film to replace it?
AFAIK the price of repair kit should be about $10, but consider it strongly unofficial information. I don't have any information about difficulty of replacement, I only know you will need Limonene to remove old PEI film from heatbed.

Posted : 17/06/2016 5:05 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues


You need the printer connected to a PC to upload firmware. There is a firmware updater program in the drivers bundle - the one which also includes the upgraded Slic3r, with profiles which include Z-Hop - select printer: Original Prusa i3 Mk2 with ZHop


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 17/06/2016 6:14 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

Any idea what $ range the repair kit will cost and how difficult it will be to remove the current PEI film to replace it?
AFAIK the price of repair kit should be about $10, but consider it strongly unofficial information. I don't have any information about difficulty of replacement, I only know you will need Limonene to remove old PEI film from heatbed.

I belive that 10$ is correct, i have a quote from Josef on reddit somewhere stating that new PEI film replacements for the bed will be about that much.

Though imagine you could source the PEI from a different vender if needed, Its commonly available stuff, Just have to get the right size and thickness (as far as thickness goes i think ive read that it is 1mm thick film)

Posted : 17/06/2016 7:47 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

Ok, I updated to the latest firmware, did a factory reset, and adjusted the z axis during the calibration test as best as I could. Then I tried printing the batman logo and it doesn't stick on the first layer. I noticed that the fan on the front isn't on and I realized I never paid much attention to it in the past, which now brings up the question, should this fan always be on while printing? The little fan on the side is on, but the bigger one stays off, is this normal? If so at what point does it kick in?

Posted : 18/06/2016 1:04 am
Reputable Member
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

If the headed bed can't be fixed, is/will there be an option to replace it?

Instructions to replace PEI sheet are here:

Posted : 18/06/2016 1:49 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

should this fan always be on while printing?


The print fan is only used for dome materials (including PLA) and should start (depending on Slicer settings) some time after the first layer is printed.

If it does not start or cannot be operated from the printer control panel, then you have the connection wrong on the RAMBo.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 18/06/2016 9:56 am
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

Ok, I updated to the latest firmware, did a factory reset, and adjusted the z axis during the calibration test as best as I could. Then I tried printing the batman logo and it doesn't stick on the first layer. I noticed that the fan on the front isn't on and I realized I never paid much attention to it in the past, which now brings up the question, should this fan always be on while printing? The little fan on the side is on, but the bigger one stays off, is this normal? If so at what point does it kick in?
Run your Slic3r, go to settings, look at Filament->Cooling. Mine says Keep fan always on (checked) and Disable fan for the first 1 layer. That means, fan goes on on layer 2 and up.

If logo doesn't stick on a bed, then clean the bed and do live adjust Z while printing first layer. Worked well for me.

Edit: PJR was faster with his reply. 😉

Posted : 18/06/2016 9:57 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

Thanks guys, I found the fan setting in Slic3r moments after I posted so I guess that wasn't my problem. I'm still having issues and just made another post with a photo to try and figure this out.

Posted : 18/06/2016 2:09 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

If the headed bed can't be fixed, is/will there be an option to replace it?

Instructions to replace PEI sheet are here:

Thanks for the link. Hand to have.

Out of curiosity (maybe Josef or Team can answer this)

Ive seen other instructions for other machines (the Lulzbot in paritulcar) which have the PEI adhesive removed by Isopropyl alcohol (link here https://ohai.lulzbot.com/project/mini-replacing-pei/maintenance-repairs/ )

Is there something different or special about the PEI on the mk2 that requires the Limonene to remove the adhesive? I only ask cause Limonene is good bit more expensive, and toxic than IPA.

Posted : 19/06/2016 12:50 am
Estimable Member
Re: Heated bed and some questions/issues

If the headed bed can't be fixed, is/will there be an option to replace it?

Instructions to replace PEI sheet are here:

Thanks for the link. Handy to have.

Out of curiosity (maybe Josef or Team can answer this)

Ive seen other instructions for other machines (the Lulzbot in paritulcar) which have the PEI adhesive removed by Isopropyl alcohol (link here https://ohai.lulzbot.com/project/mini-replacing-pei/maintenance-repairs/ )

Is there something different or special about the PEI on the mk2 that requires the Limonene to remove the adhesive? I only ask cause Limonene is good bit more expensive, and toxic than IPA.

Posted : 19/06/2016 12:50 am