Havent seen an update for awhile from PR. How's it going guys?
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Havent seen an update for awhile from PR. How's it going guys?  

Estimable Member
Havent seen an update for awhile from PR. How's it going guys?

Haven't seen much on the blog, and given the upcoming release of the multi color option, its apparent that sales shot through the roof, and were even prior to that. I bought a factory built almost 3 weeks ago, and chomping at the bit until it arrives. (I'm not complaining, I was more than happy to get in line like everyone else.)

How are you guys holding up for the increased demand? Hopefully the popularity has given you guys the needed resources to continue to innovate and actually have some fun with your success.

Thanks for the effort PR, let us know how the hell you are doing! 😉

Yeah, its that guy... 3D Nexus

Posted : 18/10/2016 9:48 pm
Bill Marquette
New Member
Re: Havent seen an update for awhile from PR. How's it going guys?

I just ordered a kit on Friday, my first 3d printer and it's 2 weeks or so out, the wait is killing me. The impatient part of me regrets the decision and wished I'd ordered something I could touch now...the logical part and the side that did hours and hours of research knows it made the right decision and just can't wait to get the party started. The multi-color addon was definitely in the pro column when I made my purchase decision, although I'm waiting on purchasing it until I figure out what it is I'm doing 🙂 Now to go watch more build videos and bookmark more things to print while I wait!

Posted : 18/10/2016 11:52 pm