Everything you need to know about MK2! (NEW Drivers & FW June 7th)
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Everything you need to know about MK2! (NEW Drivers & FW June 7th)  

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Josef Průša
Mitglied Admin
Everything you need to know about MK2! (NEW Drivers & FW June 7th)

Everything you need to know about building and calibrating Original Prusa i3 MK2!

Update June 7th
New Drivers 1.7.2 and FW 3.0.2 -> http://www.prusa3d.com/drivers/

See attachments. Moves the probe over the calibration point 1 and after user click, moves to point 9. Allows easier adjustments without runing calibration routine.

Update June 2nd
1) Simple diagram, when the probe triggers, without it the bed levelling will not work. Almost in the circle is not enough :-/

2) If the X carriage will not trigger the end stop, don't put anything on it to make it trigger, you will end up with probe outside the circles (BAD EXAMPLE HERE ). Loosen the X endstop screws, push the endstop inwards and tighten again.

Known bugs
Too little motor Z current un silent mode. Please use Hipower instead. Will be fixed in 3.0.1 FW.

Calibration V2
New video about V2 calibration (5.29.2016)

We made a little simpler calibration method.

1) Download V2Calibration.gcode and put it on SD.
2) Check your probe alignment while the printer is cold from Settings -> Autohome.
3) Heatup, insert filament and run the G-code.
4) Printer will lay the filament in air and won't stick to the bed. Open menu and go to Live Adjust Z.
5) Rotate LCD knob until the line starts to stick and is lightly squeezed.
6) Let the print finish and test more on PLA_Prusa G-code.

If something is not clear, please ask below.

Assembly instructions

First print and calibration video

1.7.1 (5.27.2016) http://prusa3d.com/downloads/drivers/prusa3d_win_1_7_1.exe
– Better 50um print settings
– Improved test models (Please replace the ones bundled on the SD card)
– Updated FirmwareUpdater
– Win10 driver install fix

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Veröffentlicht : 28/05/2016 4:20 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2!

Thanks, the new calibration is much easier to use! This is a easy now!

I had the problem that the probe triggers already quite farther away from the bed, so the old calibration code would not print a single good circle. All of them came out as tiny plastic spaghetti, they were all too far away from the bed. I tried moving the probe further up, and actually succeeded to get a good circle this way, but because it was so far up, the nozzle would crash into the heat bed in two of the probe points (and then the sensor would not trigger at all, because in a devilish feedback, the nozzle would bend the bed down, away from the probe, crashing even more until the z motors ran out of power). My manually set z calibration is -1.1, which seems to be unusually low. No problem setting this with the new calibration code.

OTOH, my z motors work fine with the given power settings even in silent mode, after making some small modifications to the frame so that the screws run really smoothly.

So I guess my kit seems to works now, at least I made a successful print with a self-made test piece.

Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2016 12:04 am
Josef Průša
Mitglied Admin
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2!

Awesome, I will make a quick video tomorrow about the new calibration and send a link&info to everyone who ordered the kit 🙂 Thank you for your feedback!

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2016 12:15 am
Active Member
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2!

The new calibration method was way easier and I like it a lot. I don't feel the old way was hard but I much prefer the new way.

So far I've gotten some very nice prints out of the printer which I completed just yesterday.

Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2016 5:51 pm
Active Member
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2!

I have received the email, but maybe next time put all the email adresses in the BCC field 😉

The z motor bug is in my printer I think. Can't fully reach the top, motors cant deliver enough power to get their (they 'cry' 😀 ). Does that fit the bug description?

Also like the new calibration, gives more flexibility.

Gotten some nice prints also 😀

Veröffentlicht : 30/05/2016 10:02 am
Eminent Member
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2!

Can you turn the Z axis screws easily by hand? What if you loosen e.g. one of the screws of each of the trapezoid nuts: is it better then?

I had a few problems with misalignment in the Z axis and had to fit additional washes and brass sheets under a few screws to get it straight. It now moves easily, and the motor current is enough to move the Z screws well without stutter or blocking.

Veröffentlicht : 30/05/2016 9:47 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2!

My Belt holder part was not strong enough as others have mentioned. What to do now?


Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2016 6:05 am
Eminent Member
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2!

I was able to repair mine using a 3mm screw through the part with a nut on the other side, but having broken off both pieces makes that less of an option 🙁
Are the parts available in STL or similar form for reprint?

Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2016 8:23 am
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2!


you can download STL from github: https://github.com/prusa3d/Orignal-Prusa-i3/tree/MK2/Printed-Parts/stl (y-belt-holder.stl)

Broken ABS parts can be usually repaired/glued by using acetone.

Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2016 8:44 am
Active Member
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2!

Can you turn the Z axis screws easily by hand? What if you loosen e.g. one of the screws of each of the trapezoid nuts: is it better then?

I had a few problems with misalignment in the Z axis and had to fit additional washes and brass sheets under a few screws to get it straight. It now moves easily, and the motor current is enough to move the Z screws well without stutter or blocking.

It moves a lot harder by hand at that point, but using the motors in high power fixed it. I doubt that if I loosen any of the trapezoids it will be fixed. They had a very tight fit into the plastic part, so cant move already 🙂

@josef; Is there an ETA available for FW3.0.1? 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2016 2:14 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2!


3.0.1 was released a couple of days ago: https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware/tree/MK2


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2016 2:56 pm
Active Member
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2!


3.0.1 was released a couple of days ago: https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware/tree/MK2


Peter, thank you!

I was only checking this page 😳 :

Edit: It's "1_75mm_MK2-RAMBo13a-E3Dv6full.hex" Right? (most recent kit)

Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2016 2:59 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2!


That's the one if you have a new Mk2.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2016 4:02 pm
Patrik Rosén
Reputable Member
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2! (Update June 6th)

Maybe I havnt searched good enough, but are there Slic3r profiles for the MK2 to download?

Me on 3dhubs!
Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2016 10:31 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2! (Update June 6th)

Hi Patrik,

The updated Slic3r profiles which include the Mk2 are bundled in with Version 1.7.1 of the drivers, at least I found them in the Mac OS X package. I can't vouch for the Windows package as I haven't downloaded it, but I bet they are there as well. 😉

You can find the drivers here http://www.prusa3d.com/drivers/

take care,

Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2016 10:53 pm
Patrik Rosén
Reputable Member
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2! (Update June 6th)

Hi Patrik,

The updated Slic3r profiles which include the Mk2 are bundled in with Version 1.7.1 of the drivers, at least I found them in the Mac OS X package. I can't vouch for the Windows package as I haven't downloaded it, but I bet they are there as well. 😉

You can find the drivers here http://www.prusa3d.com/drivers/

take care,

Aaah, I installed that (even though I'll get my MKII in 8 days), it created a folder at: C:\Program Files\Prusa3D\Slic3r
If I start that slic3r it should be set up for the Prusa i3 MKII?

I've created some gcodes for my friends Ormerod before, and I still see those profiles in there though?

Me on 3dhubs!
Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2016 11:04 pm
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2! (Update June 6th)

Hi Patrick,

in the start menu there is a folder named "Prusa 3D". In this folders you have 3 link for Slic3r,"Prusa3D Slic3r 1.75mm", "Prusa3D Slic3r 3mm" and "Prusa3D Slic3r MK2". The last one use the setting for the MK2. If you look at it, you can see the link use as launch command:

"C:\Program Files\Prusa3D\Slic3r\wperl.exe" slic3r.pl --DataDir "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Prusa3D\Slic3r settings MK2"

You can copy the link (it's store in "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Prusa3D" on my Windows 10) to the desktop if you want. Providing settings in various folder this way allow to have multiple setting sets.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2016 11:23 pm
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2! (Update June 6th)

So should we be updating to 3.0.1 from this link? https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware/tree/MK2
I tried to update the firmware using the Firmware updater software but it gave me an error. Is there something I should do with an Auduino?

Veröffentlicht : 03/06/2016 12:09 am
Reputable Member
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2! (Update June 6th)

Pushing the x-axis endstop inward didn't really feel any movement but when I ran Autohome I see the probe is barely over the center in 8 sensors with the exception of the top right sensor which is barely outside but I think it's close enough. It's between the 2nd and 3rd example I believe.

Veröffentlicht : 03/06/2016 12:37 am
Josef Průša
Mitglied Admin
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Everything you need to know about MK2! (Update June 6th)

So should we be updating to 3.0.1 from this link? https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware/tree/MK2
I tried to update the firmware using the Firmware updater software but it gave me an error. Is there something I should do with an Auduino?

We are still testing the 3.0.1, please wait when we put it on the download page or someone from our support instructs you 🙂

Pushing the x-axis endstop inward didn't really feel any movement but when I ran Autohome I see the probe is barely over the center in 8 sensors with the exception of the top right sensor which is barely outside but I think it's close enough. It's between the 2nd and 3rd example I believe.

When you try to run the calibration when the nozzle is cold, does it complete without touching the bed?

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Veröffentlicht : 03/06/2016 1:22 am
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