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E3D silicone sock trouble  

Active Member
E3D silicone sock trouble

I just installed the sock, but I can't get my print calibration to work.

The PLA keeps collecting on the sock.

I used all the steps recommended in the post: !!! Before you ask ... Troubleshooting VIDEO! (UPDATED) - Prusa Research.

I used this calibration file: Calibration_surface_PLA_75x75@200um_v4.gcode" found in Jeff's "Life Adjust My Way" Thread

I had done this before and had excellent results, until I put the sock on. Now 5 times into this and I still can't get the freaking filament to stick to the bed.

Ironic thing is that the reason I got the sock was to stop my filament from sticking to the heater block. I have ruined 2 thermistors, and 1 heater cable from filament sticking. Granted, it falls off the sock very easily, but wasn't the point of the sock to stop this from happening in the first place?

I need some help.


Posted : 21/01/2018 10:07 pm
Active Member
Re: E3D silicone sock trouble

Did you run the PID tuning on the hot end after adding the sock?

Posted : 22/01/2018 5:09 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: E3D silicone sock trouble

No, but I will try that.

Does that keep the heatblock temp from fluctuating so much?

Posted : 23/01/2018 7:02 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: E3D silicone sock trouble

I did that, but still no luck. It printed best on the first run, but after that, the PLA would not stick to the bed, even raised the bed temp, raised the print head temp, nothing works.

Posted : 30/01/2018 12:39 am
Active Member
Re: E3D silicone sock trouble

Have you tried cleaning the bed with Acetone and then with isopropyl alcohol. That has worked for me when I have problems with things not sticking to the bed.

Posted : 30/01/2018 3:55 pm
Brandon Mott
Active Member
Re: E3D silicone sock trouble

How fast are you printing the first layer? I've found that above 20mm/s I start to have similar issues.

Posted : 30/01/2018 4:11 pm
Estimable Member
Re: E3D silicone sock trouble

I find that a bit odd.
Although I now have a silicone sock at which absoluetely nothing sticks ( cast it myself )
I even without it had absolutely no problem with filament and dirt at the block.
Given the 1st layer is calibrated well either with the file from the card or which the one from the firmware now, which I take it you did,
especially PLA sticks like hell to the PEI sheet. No matter what speeds.

You having such problems maybe some pictures of your 1st layer and some of your settings could be of help for us to determine whats wrong.
Could it be your temperature is either to low or even way to hot?
Bed at 55°C and PLA at 215°C should be a setting with which it basically should work.
Did you try an other filament, maybe this one is crappy or maybe wrong labled and even no PLA at all but something different.

Posted : 30/01/2018 4:28 pm