Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)
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Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)  

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Reputable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

> I am going 45 minutes slicing on this and I am on a very powerful computer. This is unusable. S3D sliced this in about 2 minutes.

The fractal pyramid is a one of a hell complex object. Indeed, the fractals have an infinite complexity by definition. This model and the various chain fabrics are a benchmark for slicer optimization, but they are not what the most people print. It is true, that Slic3r has not been optimized for such models and it is on my list.

I guess so. After 4 hours the progress bar had not moved from about 1/8 complete. I would hate to see how long it would take on a laptop or more conventional computer!

Not trying to be negative here!! I really appreciate all the hard work.

I am always happy to help test anything if you guys should ever need. Hardware - software, I am always game!!

Veröffentlicht : 30/11/2016 1:44 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

Thank you PRUSA Team!
Can you help me please - could not find any 0.15 settings 😥

I see you are on a mac? I think I read something about you have to import the settings for the new build. I may have read it on the facebook group for this printer.

Veröffentlicht : 30/11/2016 1:46 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

That new default to not render in back is not in my slicer. Where the button is i have send to printer AS i am using octoprtint. It reads in the blog AS it is not a pref now....


My Prints:
My Employer:

Veröffentlicht : 30/11/2016 10:14 pm
New Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)


I am awiting delivery of my Prusa MK2 and installed the 1.7.5 driver and attempted to run the Prusa3D Slic3r MK2 application but the following message appears:

"LoadLibrary failed with error 11114; A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed"

Any ideas?


Veröffentlicht : 02/12/2016 12:00 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

Windows - MAC?

Veröffentlicht : 02/12/2016 3:13 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

I found if you had slicer installed previously, you need to delete the preferences to get a clean install. Otherwise background processing will be turned on by "default". That said, I find slicing times are still beyond useable with supports. S3D slices in minutes, not hours. YMMV.

(I'm on a Mac, so the preferences are in my home directory in a . file)


Engineer. Designer Maker. Fiercely unapologetic. Studying the art of subtle. Failing. Be Inspired. Stock MK2 - Orange because it's cool ;)Visit my channel -

Veröffentlicht : 03/01/2017 3:48 am
Eminent Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

I found if you had slicer installed previously, you need to delete the preferences to get a clean install. Otherwise background processing will be turned on by "default". That said, I find slicing times are still beyond useable with supports. S3D slices in minutes, not hours. YMMV.

(I'm on a Mac, so the preferences are in my home directory in a . file)


Engineer. Designer Maker. Fiercely unapologetic. Studying the art of subtle. Failing. Be Inspired. Stock MK2 - Orange because it's cool ;)Visit my channel -

Veröffentlicht : 03/01/2017 3:53 am
Honorable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

> But now even the old version of Slic3r is not working any longer in Ubuntu.... 🙁

You somehow got the new Slic3r installed over the old one, but likely only partially. I suppose you did not configure the perlbrew correctly.

The simplest you can do right now is to use our linux binary package. I have verified it runs on Ubuntu 16.04.1


Hi Vojtech,

Slic3r has been running well in my Ubuntu system for a few months, but now I have a new laptop and I am running into a problem with the installation again.

I downloaded and extracted the Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210.tar.bz2 file, then in a terminal changed directory into the extracted folder with the slic3r file, then type ./slicer to run the program.
That used to work on the old laptop, it started Slic3r.

But on the new laptop it does not start the program, it just puts out a very long list of text about the Slic3r program.
p@p-ThinkPad-P50:~/Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210$ ./slic3rSlic3r 1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64 is a STL-to-GCODE translator for RepRap 3D printers
written by Alessandro Ranellucci <[email protected]> -

Usage: [ OPTIONS ] [ file.stl ] [ file2.stl ] ...

--help Output this usage screen and exit
--version Output the version of Slic3r and exit
--save <file> Save configuration to the specified file
--load <file> Load configuration from the specified file. It can be used
more than once to load options from multiple files.
-o, --output <file> File to output gcode to (by default, the file will be saved
into the same directory as the input file using the
--output-filename-format to generate the filename.) If a
directory is specified for this option, the output will
be saved under that directory, and the filename will be
generated by --output-filename-format.

Non-slicing actions (no G-code will be generated):
--repair Repair given STL files and save them as <name>_fixed.obj
--cut <z> Cut given input files at given Z (relative) and export
them as <name>_upper.stl and <name>_lower.stl
--split Split the shells contained in given STL file into several STL files
--info Output information about the supplied file(s) and exit

-j, --threads <num> Number of threads to use (1+, default: 2)

GUI options:
--gui Forces the GUI launch instead of command line slicing (if you
supply a model file, it will be loaded into the plater)
--no-plater Disable the plater tab
--gui-mode Overrides the configured mode (simple/expert)
--autosave <file> Automatically export current configuration to the specified file

Output options:
Output file name format; all config options enclosed in brackets
will be replaced by their values, as well as [input_filename_base]
and [input_filename] (default: [input_filename_base].gcode)
--post-process Generated G-code will be processed with the supplied script;
call this more than once to process through multiple scripts.
--export-svg Export a SVG file containing slices instead of G-code.
-m, --merge If multiple files are supplied, they will be composed into a single
print rather than processed individually.

Printer options:
--nozzle-diameter Diameter of nozzle in mm (default: 0.5)
--print-center Coordinates in mm of the point to center the print around
(default: 100,100)
--z-offset Additional height in mm to add to vertical coordinates
(+/-, default: 0)
--gcode-flavor The type of G-code to generate (reprap/teacup/makerware/sailfish/mach3/machinekit/no-extrusion,
default: reprap)
--use-relative-e-distances Enable this to get relative E values (default: no)
--use-firmware-retraction Enable firmware-controlled retraction using G10/G11 (default: no)
--use-volumetric-e Express E in cubic millimeters and prepend M200 (default: no)
--gcode-arcs Use G2/G3 commands for native arcs (experimental, not supported
by all firmwares)
--gcode-comments Make G-code verbose by adding comments (default: no)
--pressure-advance Adjust pressure using the experimental advance algorithm (K constant,
set zero to disable; default: 0)

Filament options:
--filament-diameter Diameter in mm of your raw filament (default: 3)
Change this to alter the amount of plastic extruded. There should be
very little need to change this value, which is only useful to
compensate for filament packing (default: 1)
--temperature Extrusion temperature in degree Celsius, set 0 to disable (default: 200)
--first-layer-temperature Extrusion temperature for the first layer, in degree Celsius,
set 0 to disable (default: same as --temperature)
--bed-temperature Heated bed temperature in degree Celsius, set 0 to disable (default: 0)
--first-layer-bed-temperature Heated bed temperature for the first layer, in degree Celsius,
set 0 to disable (default: same as --bed-temperature)

Speed options:
--travel-speed Speed of non-print moves in mm/s (default: 130)
--perimeter-speed Speed of print moves for perimeters in mm/s (default: 60)
Speed of print moves for small perimeters in mm/s or % over perimeter speed
(default: 15)
Speed of print moves for the external perimeter in mm/s or % over perimeter speed
(default: 50%)
--infill-speed Speed of print moves in mm/s (default: 80)
--solid-infill-speed Speed of print moves for solid surfaces in mm/s or % over infill speed
(default: 20)
--top-solid-infill-speed Speed of print moves for top surfaces in mm/s or % over solid infill speed
(default: 15)
Speed of support material print moves in mm/s (default: 60)
Speed of support material interface print moves in mm/s or % over support material
speed (default: 100%)
--bridge-speed Speed of bridge print moves in mm/s (default: 60)
--gap-fill-speed Speed of gap fill print moves in mm/s (default: 20)
--first-layer-speed Speed of print moves for bottom layer, expressed either as an absolute
value or as a percentage over normal speeds (default: 30)

Acceleration options:
Overrides firmware's default acceleration for perimeters. (mm/s^2, set zero
to disable; default: 0)
Overrides firmware's default acceleration for infill. (mm/s^2, set zero
to disable; default: 0)
Overrides firmware's default acceleration for bridges. (mm/s^2, set zero
to disable; default: 0)
Overrides firmware's default acceleration for first layer. (mm/s^2, set zero
to disable; default: 0)
Acceleration will be reset to this value after the specific settings above
have been applied. (mm/s^2, set zero to disable; default: 0)

Accuracy options:
--layer-height Layer height in mm (default: 0.3)
--first-layer-height Layer height for first layer (mm or %, default: 0.35)
Infill every N layers (default: 1)
Force a solid layer every N layers (default: 0)

Print options:
--perimeters Number of perimeters/horizontal skins (range: 0+, default: 3)
--top-solid-layers Number of solid layers to do for top surfaces (range: 0+, default: 3)
--bottom-solid-layers Number of solid layers to do for bottom surfaces (range: 0+, default: 3)
--solid-layers Shortcut for setting the two options above at once
--fill-density Infill density (range: 0%-100%, default: 20%)
--fill-angle Infill angle in degrees (range: 0-90, default: 45)
--fill-pattern Pattern to use to fill non-solid layers (default: honeycomb)
--external-fill-pattern Pattern to use to fill solid layers (default: rectilinear)
--start-gcode Load initial G-code from the supplied file. This will overwrite
the default command (home all axes [G28]).
--end-gcode Load final G-code from the supplied file. This will overwrite
the default commands (turn off temperature [M104 S0],
home X axis [G28 X], disable motors [M84]).
--before-layer-gcode Load before-layer-change G-code from the supplied file (default: nothing).
--layer-gcode Load layer-change G-code from the supplied file (default: nothing).
--toolchange-gcode Load tool-change G-code from the supplied file (default: nothing).
--seam-position Position of loop starting points (random/nearest/aligned, default: aligned).
--external-perimeters-first Reverse perimeter order. (default: no)
--spiral-vase Experimental option to raise Z gradually when printing single-walled vases
(default: no)
Disable retraction when travelling between infill paths inside the same island.
(default: no)
Force solid infill when a region has a smaller area than this threshold
(mm^2, default: 70)
Only infill under ceilings (default: no)
--infill-first Make infill before perimeters (default: no)

Quality options (slower slicing):
--extra-perimeters Add more perimeters when needed (default: yes)
--ensure-vertical-shell-thickness Add solid infill near sloping surfaces to guarantee the vertical shell thickness (top+bottom solid layers). (default: no)
--avoid-crossing-perimeters Optimize travel moves so that no perimeters are crossed (default: no)
--thin-walls Detect single-width walls (default: yes)
--overhangs Experimental option to use bridge flow, speed and fan for overhangs
(default: yes)

Support material options:
--support-material Generate support material for overhangs
Overhang threshold angle (range: 0-90, set 0 for automatic detection,
default: 0)
Pattern to use for support material (default: pillars)
Add a sheath (a single perimeter line) around the base support.
This makes the support more reliable, but also more difficult to remove. (default: yes)
Spacing between pattern lines (mm, default: 2.5)
Support material angle in degrees (range: 0-90, default: 0)
Vertical distance between object and support material (0+, default: 0.2)
Number of perpendicular layers between support material and object (0+, default: 3)
Spacing between interface pattern lines (mm, set 0 to get a solid layer, default: 0)
--raft-layers Number of layers to raise the printed objects by (range: 0+, default: 0)
Enforce support material on the specified number of layers from bottom,
regardless of --support-material and threshold (0+, default: 0)
Only create support if it lies on a build plate. Don't create support on a print. (default: no)
Experimental option for preventing support material from being generated under bridged areas (default: yes)

Retraction options:
--retract-length Length of retraction in mm when pausing extrusion (default: 2)
--retract-speed Speed for retraction in mm/s (default: 40)
Additional amount of filament in mm to push after
compensating retraction (default: 0)
Only retract before travel moves of this length in mm (default: 2)
--retract-lift Lift Z by the given distance in mm when retracting (default: 0)
--retract-lift-above Only lift Z when above the specified height (default: 0)
--retract-lift-below Only lift Z when below the specified height (default: 0)
Enforce a retraction before each Z move (default: no)
--wipe Wipe the nozzle while doing a retraction (default: no)

Retraction options for multi-extruder setups:
Length of retraction in mm when disabling tool (default: 10)
Additional amount of filament in mm to push after
switching tool (default: 0)

Cooling options:
--cooling Enable fan and cooling control
--min-fan-speed Minimum fan speed (default: 35%)
--max-fan-speed Maximum fan speed (default: 100%)
--bridge-fan-speed Fan speed to use when bridging (default: 100%)
--fan-below-layer-time Enable fan if layer print time is below this approximate number
of seconds (default: 60)
--slowdown-below-layer-time Slow down if layer print time is below this approximate number
of seconds (default: 5)
--min-print-speed Minimum print speed (mm/s, default: 10)
--disable-fan-first-layers Disable fan for the first N layers (default: 3)
--fan-always-on Keep fan always on at min fan speed, even for layers that don't need

Skirt options:
--skirts Number of skirts to draw (0+, default: 1)
--skirt-distance Distance in mm between innermost skirt and object
(default: 6)
--skirt-height Height of skirts to draw (expressed in layers, 0+, default: 1)
--min-skirt-length Generate no less than the number of loops required to consume this length
of filament on the first layer, for each extruder (mm, 0+, default: 0)
--brim-width Width of the brim that will get added to each object to help adhesion
(mm, default: 0)

Transform options:
--scale Factor for scaling input object (default: 1)
--rotate Rotation angle in degrees (0-360, default: 0)
--duplicate Number of items with auto-arrange (1+, default: 1)
--duplicate-grid Number of items with grid arrangement (default: 1,1)
--duplicate-distance Distance in mm between copies (default: 6)
--dont-arrange Don't arrange the objects on the build plate. The model coordinates
define the absolute positions on the build plate.
The option --print-center will be ignored.
Grow/shrink objects by the configured absolute distance (mm, default: 0)

Sequential printing options:
--complete-objects When printing multiple objects and/or copies, complete each one before
starting the next one; watch out for extruder collisions (default: no)
--extruder-clearance-radius Radius in mm above which extruder won't collide with anything
(default: 20)
--extruder-clearance-height Maximum vertical extruder depth; i.e. vertical distance from
extruder tip and carriage bottom (default: 20)

Miscellaneous options:
--notes Notes to be added as comments to the output file
--resolution Minimum detail resolution (mm, set zero for full resolution, default: 0)

Flow options (advanced):
--extrusion-width Set extrusion width manually; it accepts either an absolute value in mm
(like 0.65) or a percentage over layer height (like 200%)
Set a different extrusion width for first layer
Set a different extrusion width for perimeters
Set a different extrusion width for external perimeters
Set a different extrusion width for infill
Set a different extrusion width for solid infill
Set a different extrusion width for top infill
Set a different extrusion width for support material
--infill-overlap Overlap between infill and perimeters (default: 15%)
--bridge-flow-ratio Multiplier for extrusion when bridging (> 0, default: 1)

Multiple extruder options:
--extruder-offset Offset of each extruder, if firmware doesn't handle the displacement
(can be specified multiple times, default: 0x0)
Extruder to use for perimeters and brim (1+, default: 1)
--infill-extruder Extruder to use for infill (1+, default: 1)
--solid-infill-extruder Extruder to use for solid infill (1+, default: 1)
Extruder to use for support material, raft and skirt (1+, default: 1)
Extruder to use for support material interface (1+, default: 1)
--ooze-prevention Drop temperature and park extruders outside a full skirt for automatic wiping
(default: no)
Temperature difference to be applied when an extruder is not active and
--ooze-prevention is enabled (default: -5)


I think it must be due to a simple setting change somewhere, but I cannot find it.
Perl seems to be up to date (5.22.1-9)

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks, Mik

Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2017 5:24 am
Estimable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

That looks to me like your DISPLAY environment variable is not set; how are you starting it exactly?

Also, have you tried installing from the PPA instead?

- Gab

Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2017 7:19 am
Honorable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

That looks to me like your DISPLAY environment variable is not set; how are you starting it exactly?

Also, have you tried installing from the PPA instead?

Thank you very much, I was not aware of the PPA option. Did you set that up recently?

This is what I did:

Extract the Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210.tar.bz2 file.

Open a terminal and
~$ cd /home/p/Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210
~/Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210$ ./slic3r

But instead of the Slic3r program starting, as it does on my other computer, the text that I showed in the previous post appears in the terminal, describing the ins and outs of Slic3r instead of running Slicer.

Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2017 9:01 am
Estimable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

Yes, the PPA is only a few weeks old. It will add a Slic3r icon in your Unity Dash or start menu etc.

Does it start if you type "./slic3r --gui"? If yes then I'm not sure what's forcing it into command line mode. You could try to delete the ~/.Slic3r/ folder.

- Gab

Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2017 4:55 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

Yes, the PPA is only a few weeks old. It will add a Slic3r icon in your Unity Dash or start menu etc.

Does it start if you type "./slic3r --gui"? If yes then I'm not sure what's forcing it into command line mode. You could try to delete the ~/.Slic3r/ folder.

This is what I get when I use ./slic3r --gui :

~/Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210$ ./slic3r --gui
Can't load '/home/p/Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/auto/OpenGL/' for module OpenGL: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /home/p/Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/ line 193.
at /home/p/Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/Slic3r/GUI/Plater/ line 128.
Compilation failed in require at /home/p/Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/Slic3r/GUI/Plater/ line 128.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/p/Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/Slic3r/GUI/Plater/ line 128.
Compilation failed in require at /home/p/Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/Slic3r/ line 21.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/p/Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/Slic3r/ line 21.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 85) line 1.

Veröffentlicht : 06/02/2017 10:04 am
Estimable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

Missing libraries. 🙂

The easiest solution is to use the PPA as it will install everything for you.

Otherwise follow the instructions to install all dependencies.

- Gab

Veröffentlicht : 06/02/2017 6:12 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

The easiest solution is to use the PPA as it will install everything for you.

Go for the PPA it is the easiest way to install and update in the future. This is what I did and I was up and running with Slc3r within minutes. Just make sure to get the Prusa specific configuration files.

Veröffentlicht : 06/02/2017 9:10 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

Missing libraries. 🙂

The easiest solution is to use the PPA as it will install everything for you.

Otherwise follow the instructions to install all dependencies.

Cheers, but what instructions do you mean I should follow to install the dependencies?

Looks to me (who knows very little of Linux) as if it is looking for bits and bobs inside of the Prusa Slic3r folder, not elsewhere on my Ubuntu system. I may be very wrong about that.

Do I need to install dependencies on the system or in the Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210 folder?

Thanks for any advice, Mik

Veröffentlicht : 09/02/2017 11:12 am
Estimable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

Cheers, but what instructions do you mean I should follow to install the dependencies?

See the lines in General Libraries -> Ubuntu 16.04

Looks to me (who knows very little of Linux) as if it is looking for bits and bobs inside of the Prusa Slic3r folder, not elsewhere on my Ubuntu system. I may be very wrong about that.

No, it is looking for which it can't find in your system, either locally or globally.

Do I need to install dependencies on the system or in the Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210 folder?

On the system is the easiest way. And, again, the PPA will do this for you, and automatically update when the new Slic3r comes out, so it's the best method for less advanced Linux users.

- Gab

Veröffentlicht : 10/02/2017 4:00 am
Honorable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

Cheers, but what instructions do you mean I should follow to install the dependencies?

See the lines in General Libraries -> Ubuntu 16.04

Looks to me (who knows very little of Linux) as if it is looking for bits and bobs inside of the Prusa Slic3r folder, not elsewhere on my Ubuntu system. I may be very wrong about that.

No, it is looking for which it can't find in your system, either locally or globally.

Do I need to install dependencies on the system or in the Slic3r-1.31.6-prusa3d-linux64-full-201611202210 folder?

On the system is the easiest way. And, again, the PPA will do this for you, and automatically update when the new Slic3r comes out, so it's the best method for less advanced Linux users.

Thanks, I got it working now. I had to install the General Libraries for Ubuntu 16.04 from the page you linked above.

The command:
sudo apt install build-essential libgtk2.0-dev libwxgtk3.0-dev libwx-perl libmodule-build-perl git cpanminus libextutils-cppguess-perl libboost-all-dev libxmu-dev liblocal-lib-perl wx-common libopengl-perl libwx-glcanvas-perl
did the trick. After it downloaded and installed a lot of stuff, Slic3r now starts with the ./slic3r command in a terminal.

I ran the other two commands as well, just in case they are needed sometime later:
sudo apt-get install -y libxmu-dev freeglut3-dev libwxgtk-media3.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev

I prefer not to use PPA's when I can, because I don't understand how they work and what security vulnerabilities I might introduce by allowing automatic software updates from PPAs.

Veröffentlicht : 11/02/2017 3:31 am
Estimable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

Security wise there is no difference compared to downloading the binary and running it. By default you are prompted about updates so you can always double check what's going on.

(Actually, it can be argued that the PPA is more secure because it is signed, so as long as you can trust that I will keep my private key safe you are much better off than copy and pasting instructions from a website.)

(I write this mostly for everyone else reading here, not trying to convince you and happy to help with installing from sources when I can.)

- Gab

Veröffentlicht : 11/02/2017 5:24 am
Honorable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

Security wise there is no difference compared to downloading the binary and running it. By default you are prompted about updates so you can always double check what's going on.

(Actually, it can be argued that the PPA is more secure because it is signed, so as long as you can trust that I will keep my private key safe you are much better off than copy and pasting instructions from a website.)

(I write this mostly for everyone else reading here, not trying to convince you and happy to help with installing from sources when I can.)

So if you did not keep you private key safe, then someone else could change the files and install malware along with (or instead of) the Slic3r software update?

If that is the case, then you yourself should also be able to do this.

Or is there some built-in security mechanism that prevents the person running a PPA from making unauthorized changes?

Not accusing you of anything, sorry it must come across a bit like that, but I just don't understand how these things work. 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 11/02/2017 7:35 am
Estimable Member
Re: Drivers 1.7.5 RC2 with Slic3r Prusa Edition (Updated 18 Nov)

Exactly like someone else could put malware instead of the Slic3r binary you are downloading. In fact, a website password can be guessed, a 4096 bit RSA key cannot.

Unless you download the source code, study it to make sure that no malware has been hidden within, you are trusting a bunch of people and companies to have kept their passwords and keys safe.

(I'm a software engineer, among others I work for a financial company. I do know how this stuff works.)

- Gab

Veröffentlicht : 11/02/2017 7:00 pm
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