Difficulty with Prima Select Transparent Yellow PETG
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Difficulty with Prima Select Transparent Yellow PETG  

Active Member
Difficulty with Prima Select Transparent Yellow PETG


I have had my prusa for about a month now and want to use some PETG for a project build. I am pretty new to 3d printing and this is my first journey with the material.

I have a transparent yellow reel, but I am struggling to get it to print evenly and nicely. At 215 / 55 it would not stick at all, then after a temp increase to around 240 / 80 it would print but "bead up", with each bead seemly connected with a turn of the extruder motor. I have pushed the temps to 270 degrees on the extruder and 90 on the plate and this seems to have very much improved things, but there are still some remnants of beading. It does not look as nice and smooth as when I print with PLA, with a lot of variation in the width.

I have experimented with live Z adjust, which is around -0.500, similar to my PLA. Pushing it further seems to being on more beading and even breaks.

270 sounds really high. On the side of the packet it recommends 235 max, 30-60 on the bed and, amazingly on their site they claim it doesn't even need a heated bed 😯 Any suggestions, or do I have a lousy batch?

Posted : 31/07/2017 1:53 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Difficulty with Prima Select Transparent Yellow PETG

Right, seems a huge part of the trick is to double the extrusion. No more beading and it will now print at the stated temperatures.

Now I just have to solve the stuff tearing itself off the bed.

Posted : 01/08/2017 12:50 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Difficulty with Prima Select Transparent Yellow PETG

Screw it, the filament is going back to amazon. Aside from not printing properly no matter what's set in the printer, the filament won't even stay on the reel due to the ridiculously undersized spool they chose. It just keeps looping off and getting caught up. All in all a really nasty filament. Bought 3 reels of it so they are all going back.

Time to try the proper prusa stuff I think 😎

Posted : 01/08/2017 2:30 am
Trusted Member
Re: Difficulty with Prima Select Transparent Yellow PETG

Some pictures would have been helpful. I doubt what you describe really is a problem with the filament and Petg does stick like glue to the bed when its laid down properly (I actually use a glue stick as a 'release agent' to make it possible to remove). i suspect your Z is not properly calibrated and/or your nozzle is clogged and needs cleaning (which wouldnt be a surprise if you've been printing at 270C) and/or the extruder is not gripping properly.

The improvement you saw at higher temps; when you heat the bed a lot higher, I found I need to change Z offset. Im not yet sure if that due to the pinda probe or the plate actually warping/moving, but its very noticeable when printing abs at 100C. Pushing the hotend to 270 may also help push the petg through a partially clogged nozzle. But its hardly a proper solution.

Posted : 01/08/2017 10:02 am
Member Moderator
Re: Difficulty with Prima Select Transparent Yellow PETG

personally I'm very satisfied with the transparent PETG filaments from herz. I've used it in blue and orange, but they've got green and yellow as well.
best results between 240/80°C and 255/90°C.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Posted : 01/08/2017 1:20 pm