Could the Prusa guys publish the files for the motor multiplexer?
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Could the Prusa guys publish the files for the motor multiplexer?  

Trusted Member
Could the Prusa guys publish the files for the motor multiplexer?


I have published this design since a while back:

The issue is that the next i3 upgrade will occupy that place where the case is sitting with the motor multiplexer, and I want to redesign my case so that it either sits on top of the multiplexer or replace the lid for it. So I'm wondering if there is a way for me to get the multiplexer case files so I could make sure it fits on the next iteration of the i3 (i5? 😉 )?

Would love to be able to publish an updated case design just in time to when the majority start getting this upgrade.


Posted : 12/12/2016 2:05 pm