Can't find calibration point 2 out of 4 - Help please!
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Can't find calibration point 2 out of 4 - Help please!  

Active Member
Can't find calibration point 2 out of 4 - Help please!

As it stands right now, I've bought a really expensive plastic dragon.

My kit arrived last Friday. I was printing Sunday morning. Life was good and it seemed as if this printer could do no wrong. I printed the demo models and each came out perfect.

But success was short lived and my first failed print a couple days later. The screw anchoring the bed to the Y-carriage had popped loose. There's not much thread there to begin with and the bed itself is not exactly flat. Anyway, the Z-axis of the model obviously got messed up, clogged the nozzle, PLA everywhere. It happened with my other printer more than it didn't. So I pulled the X-axis carriage off the Z-axis and cleaned up the hot end. I also found out that the tension bolts on the carriage were too tight, causing the Z-axis to squeak. I managed to get the bed screwed back on and things I thought would be good.

Figuring that with all of the stuff I had done, I should re-calibrate. No dice. Couldn't find point 2 out of 4. I adjusted the PINDA probe a bunch of times with no luck. One time it did find it and I made it all the way to the 9th point on the 2nd round. But it failed there. I noticed the front left corner of the bed had popped loose again.

Tonight, I finally took apart the entire Y-axis carriage and bed. I had to put a longer screw in the front left corner so it could grab some threads on the standoff. Seems to be attached better now. Ran the calibration again, found the 1st point no problem. The 2nd point, it had trouble and eventually just kept working its way right into the bed. Nozzle tore up my bed. I'm hoping it is just the PEI sheet, but with the way my night has gone, I doubt it. And now the nozzle gets caught up in there when I try to run the calibration because it still can't find that point.

I'm crushed. I have no idea what to do next. I feel worthless and stupid. So I'm hoping someone here can help. Tell me what to check or to try next.

Any help is appreciated.

Posted : 10/12/2016 6:16 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Can't find calibration point 2 out of 4 - Help please!

There are a few things to try:

First check the probe is working. Move the extruder to close to where the fail occurs and hols something metal (a screwdriver) underneath. Ensure the light on top of the probe goes out. Test a few times while moving the extruder (by hand) left and right. If the light doesn't always go out, there may be a break in the wire, in which case, contact support (use live chat) and give them a link to this thread.

Secondly, check the probe fitting. Ensure the plastic mount is in good condition and not broken.

Thirdly get the probe in the correct position. The probe needs to be between 0.5mm and 1mm above the level of the nozzle. Clear out "Live Z adjust" values you may have already set. Start with adjusting the nozzle/probe difference about 0.5mm and then "Auto Home". You need to be able to slide 3 layers of copy paper between bed and nozzle and feel a slight resistance. If you don't get that (too tight or too loose) Raise Z and lower/raise the probe by 1/6th or a turn. Tighten probe and repeat until it's about correct. Run calibration and then use Live Z adjust to get the nozzle gap correct.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 10/12/2016 11:26 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Can't find calibration point 2 out of 4 - Help please!

There are a few things to try:

First check the probe is working. Move the extruder to close to where the fail occurs and hols something metal (a screwdriver) underneath. Ensure the light on top of the probe goes out. Test a few times while moving the extruder (by hand) left and right. If the light doesn't always go out, there may be a break in the wire, in which case, contact support (use live chat) and give them a link to this thread.

Secondly, check the probe fitting. Ensure the plastic mount is in good condition and not broken.

Thirdly get the probe in the correct position. The probe needs to be between 0.5mm and 1mm above the level of the nozzle. Clear out "Live Z adjust" values you may have already set. Start with adjusting the nozzle/probe difference about 0.5mm and then "Auto Home". You need to be able to slide 3 layers of copy paper between bed and nozzle and feel a slight resistance. If you don't get that (too tight or too loose) Raise Z and lower/raise the probe by 1/6th or a turn. Tighten probe and repeat until it's about correct. Run calibration and then use Live Z adjust to get the nozzle gap correct.


I checked all of that stuff. Painsfully so. No luck.

Posted : 11/12/2016 6:35 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Can't find calibration point 2 out of 4 - Help please!

In that case, contact support (via "Live Chat") and give them a link to this thread.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 11/12/2016 10:26 am
PJ Mullin
Active Member
Re: Can't find calibration point 2 out of 4 - Help please!

Just an idea but check that the zip tie "nubs" are in the correct position and out of the way. The ones on the bearings under the bed. If out of position they can interfere with the bed and cause the issues with the screw not seeming long enough.

Posted : 12/12/2016 5:57 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Can't find calibration point 2 out of 4 - Help please!

Just an idea but check that the zip tie "nubs" are in the correct position and out of the way. The ones on the bearings under the bed. If out of position they can interfere with the bed and cause the issues with the screw not seeming long enough.

Yeah, I checked those too. All clear.

I sent Prusa a link to this thread and a video of what's going yesterday morning. Still haven't heard back yet. 🙁

Posted : 13/12/2016 12:40 am