Broken PINDA probe or ruined bed (new build)??
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Broken PINDA probe or ruined bed (new build)??  

Active Member
Broken PINDA probe or ruined bed (new build)??

I just build my MK2 from kit, and everything went smoothly. I installed the PINDA nozzle exactly how the instructions said... It's NOT too high.

I followed the calibration instructions PRECISELY. I performed the self-test. All passed.

Next I did the Calibrate XYZ routine. I installed the paper, as instructed. The first point passed, then moved to the second. I saw the paper shift, but thought it looked bowed, so I held it down with my hand. unbeknownst to me, it had made a small tear in the paper, and gouged my platform looking for the second point. Once I realized, I killed the power... but it was too late.

I moved the PINDA probe down to 0.5mm above the nozzle to be conservative... I've read that 1-2mm should work. Now the calibrate XYZ routine fails to find the first calibration point.

What the heck? Do I need a new PINDA, new platform, or both??

Posted : 16/03/2017 3:33 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Broken PINDA probe or ruined bed (new build)??

Here's the image from the instructions, for reference

Posted : 16/03/2017 3:36 am