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Bed won't go past 83 now  

New Member
Bed won't go past 83 now

I have a i3 mk2S and have printed over 1kg of esun PETG at 240/90 with no issues.
I damaged my print bed with my spatula getting one of the prints off and pealed a bit of the PEI off. I can't see any heat traces, just the adhesive where the PEI was.
I continued to print at 240/90 and just avoided the damaged area. Everything was great.
Now the bed won't get to 90 anymore.
First I checked the usual connections, voltages, thermistor and that all checked out.
Then I got my digital temperature laser (non-contact temperature measuring)
I measured all the squares (grid) on the heat bed as it was trying to go to 90.
Here's the grid: (temps rounded off to whole numbers) I took these when the display read 78 as it would take about an hour to get to 83 .
112 - 084 - 070 - 098 - 115
110 - 064 - 056 - 070 - 110
107 - 103 - 100 - 104 - 108
100 - 102 - 102 - 104 - 090
The damaged PEI is between 056 and 070 grid.
Also the termistor is mounted under the grids where the temperature reads 056 and 100 .
So I must have damaged the heat traces?
I've read where some folks have repaired their beds but I'd rather just get a new MK42 bed.

So long story longer - Where do I get a new MK42 bed?

Posted : 14/05/2017 11:28 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Bed won't go past 83 now

I would repair it depending on the size of damage. Few minutes of soldering and tinkering is less than 100+€ for a new bed. 🙂

Posted : 15/05/2017 1:16 am