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Monoplexer and Multiplexer Redesigns (no metal parts required)  

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New Member
Re: Monoplexer and Multiplexer Redesigns (no metal parts required)

Couldn't agree with you more, My MK2S was flawless before this upgrade. I have had nothing but problems with the MM and its always random different problems. Looking back, I wish I wouldn't have purchased it without reading the forums more. The whole design creates nothing but potential jams along the way. I'm pretty disappointed with the whole thing. I feel like Prusa really needs to fix the issues with this because there seems to be a few common themes.

Publié : 01/02/2018 1:15 am
Active Member
Re: Monoplexer and Multiplexer Redesigns (no metal parts required)

Any chance you would be so nice and make a 6 way version of this one,
should be possible if you make it a bit longer and wider at the top part ?

Have seen a 9 way on a Italian site, that one was not for the prusa mmu and no files available for it...

Would be really nice 🙂

Very good work Seth, thanks 🙂

Publié : 03/02/2018 5:14 pm
Active Member
Re: Monoplexer and Multiplexer Redesigns (no metal parts required)

Sorry to ping you, but I'm waiting patiently for the threaded version of your monoplexer and multiplexer.
Can you have time to release it soon ?

Thank you.

Publié : 19/02/2018 5:45 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Monoplexer and Multiplexer Redesigns (no metal parts required)

I think ABS would be fine, probably preferable.

Just remember that the break in may last longer due to the more durable material and the feed paths may take a little more initial coaxing with ABS filament.

Has anyone tried vapor smoothing an abs print to reduce/eliminate the break in period? If not, I'll try this and see how it works.

Publié : 22/02/2018 7:00 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Monoplexer and Multiplexer Redesigns (no metal parts required)

No, but I found it wasn't necessary. Just take a bit of ABS filament that has been run through the gears and has bite marks, then run it through all the channels for a minute in a sawing motion. After about an hour printing on each channel I only saw very minor improvements over time. Trying to speed this up isn't worth it.

Publié : 23/02/2018 11:30 am
Eminent Member
Re: Monoplexer and Multiplexer Redesigns (no metal parts required)

I have had far few jams/blockages with my MMU recently, but I decided to give this design a try. Just because I already had a printer with a 0.15 mm nozzle installed I printed it at 0.05 mm. 😛 . Looks nice and channels were very smooth to begin with. Just started an 11 hour print with it, so we'll see how it goes! All good after the first 6 filament swaps.

Publié : 23/02/2018 10:12 pm
New Member
Re: Monoplexer and Multiplexer Redesigns (no metal parts required)

First time poster, long time lurker 🙂 I must admit, this mod fixed all my MMU issues. I've only had successful prints since I swapped out the multiplexer with this one. Prusa should start paying seth.g2 for his services! Thank you! 😎

I only have one comment on the design, add 4 "facets" to allow the festo connectors to properly seat against the multiplexer. The flat surface doesn't do this MMU upgrade the justice it definitely deserves! 🙂

Publié : 27/02/2018 7:30 am
Active Member
Re: Monoplexer and Multiplexer Redesigns (no metal parts required)

Same here, my success rate went from 0 to 100% in an instant. Thanks!

Publié : 21/03/2018 1:00 am
New Member
Re: Monoplexer and Multiplexer Redesigns (no metal parts required)

any chance you could post the design file?

Publié : 02/04/2018 7:24 pm
Asraff Amzani
Estimable Member
Re: Monoplexer and Multiplexer Redesigns (no metal parts required)

I've made few modifications of his mmu jig which has chamfered entrance and included a wider channel so the filament won't get stuck during loading at the entrance and smooth filament travel inside.

Gonna try it out for real when I got the time to swap the mmu jig.

Publié : 04/04/2018 10:05 am
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