Machinable wax
I recently bought Machinable wax filament. It has a print temp of 140-150c. When I set the extruder to that temp it will not load filament. "Error preheat extruder" is what it says. I tried hooking it up to repetier and sending "M302 S140" but it didn't help. I would like to print wax parts for casting with the lost wax technique. Thanks for your time and help.
Re: Machinable wax
I recently bought Machinable wax filament. It has a print temp of 140-150c. When I set the extruder to that temp it will not load filament. "Error preheat extruder" is what it says. I tried hooking it up to repetier and sending "M302 S140" but it didn't help. I would like to print wax parts for casting with the lost wax technique. Thanks for your time and help.
Firmware will not let you. The lowest temperature is set to 190C. At 140c-150c, the extruder's engine does not spin until you change the lowest temperature to 120c.
M302 - Allow cold extrudes, or set the minimum extrude S<temperature>.
M302 S120
Re: Machinable wax
I'm a complete beginner in 3D printing.
A week ago, with help from Lukas and local experts, I finally got my MK2S (built from a kit) working, and have been having great success with PLA (generating gcode with PrusaControl). So far, so good.
But what I ultimately want to do is to print with wax (e.g. Machinable Wax filament), which I already have on hand. The resulting wax objects
would then be used in lost-wax casting.
The Question: How do I generate appropriate gcode (via PrusaControl?) to print on my MK2S with Machinable Wax filament? Ideally, it would be as easy as choosing the Machinable Wax material from the PrusaControl menu.
So what are the secrets to success in wax printing with the Prusa i3?
Re: Machinable wax
This is Kenneth again, still wondering about how to print with Machinable Wax filament on my Prusa MK2S. I forgot to mention that my computer is a Mac/OS X, not a Windows machine. If there's some PrusaControl file that needs to be modified or augmented, I'll have to find it in OS X.
Re: Machinable wax
I’m no expert but you should move away from prusacontrol to more customisable slicer software. What is best for wax I don’t know but don’t be afraid to try slic3r as it is quite easy to use especially using defaults.
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