Printable parts does not work Prusa box.
Hi there,
we want to build the Prusa-box. Therefore we want to print the parts Prusa provided here:
Our first attempt had not ran very well:
As far as I can see, the first layer seems to be good. You can see the individual lines the filament went in. No first layer adaption needed here, or is it?
The print itself is very unclean and bad.
The options we used to print are:
Thickness: 0,15mm
Wall thickness: 1mm
Count of lines: 2
Upper/lower thickness: 0,8mm
Upper thickness: 0,8mm
Upper lines: 6
Lower thickness: 0,8mm
Lower lines: 6
Horizontal extension: 0mm
Thickness: 10%
Pattern: Triangles
Printing Teperature: 200 Celsius
Temperature Heating Plate: 50 Celsius
Temperature first Layer: 50 Celsius
Activate entry: yes
Printing Speed: 60mm/s
Z-jump during entry: no
Activate cooling: yes
Initial fanrotation: 0%
Normal rotation at layer 5
Generate structure: no
Plate adhersion
Adhersion type: Brim
Width of Brim element: 8,0mm
Count of Brim-lines: 20
Brim only at exterior: Yes
You can see screenshots here (in German only):
We don´t know what to do next. May anyone please assist here?
Thank you so much,
take care,