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XYZ Calibration and BED problem  

Dino Coglitore
New Member
XYZ Calibration and BED problem

I have a Prusa MK2S that I bought 8 month ago. It has firmware 3.0.12 (supplied with the printer) and I printed without problems in PLA and PETG.

I was printing some pieces in PETG with Nozzle temperature=240 and Bed temperature=90/80 (with good results). At the beginning of a new piece (PETG), during the pre-calibration phase, when the extruder arrived at the 3rd point (lower right) the nozzle touched the bed and the printing stopped with the error “Bed leveling failed. Sensor didnt trigger. Debris on nozzle? Waiting for reset.”

Soluton attempts:
To solve the issue I have tried some solutions looking on the Forum Prusa.
I did not find the same problem so I’ve decided to write this post.

1 – I followed the ‘Mesh Bed Leveling’ procedure but it always led to the same error.
2 – I followed the ‘Calibrate Z’ procedure but it led to the same result.
3 – At the end I decided to follow the complete ‘Calibrate XYZ’ procedure.
I repetead it many times changing the PINDA height. All the attempts correctly found the first point (lower center) of the 4 defined by the calibration, but the second point (middle right) failed touching the bed with the nozzle. Every time I was forced to turn off the printer.

4 – To be sure that the PINDA could find the calibration point before that the nozzle touched the bed I dropped the sensor over the nozzle so that it was nearer to the bed than the nozzle. I followed this link:

5 – I verified the good PINDA sensor operation following the procedure at the link: .
All the tests were successful.

The procedure found every time the first point. At the beginning the PINDA Led was turned on and when it found the calibration point it started to blink.

When the extruder moved toward the second point the PINDA Led was turned on. When it arrived near the second point the Led turned off and remained turned off during all the searching of the precise position. It continued in this searching without stopping and moving always down along the Z axis. It never stopped and I needed to turn off the printer to avoid that the PINDA touch the Bed.

I tried to make also the ‘Factory Reset’ deleting ‘All Data’ from the EEprom following the link: .

I don’t know if the problem is in the Bed. Is there some procedure that make a test of the BED ? Is there in the forum someone who experimented the same problem ? I need some help !!

Thanks in advance.

Posted : 04/08/2018 2:33 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: XYZ Calibration and BED problem

Hi Dino,
check your pinda,

with the extruder say 30mm above the bed, try moving the x axis carriage from left to right while watching the PINDA LED

the LED should remain illuminated all the way across.

if it goes off there is a problem with the Pinda, probably the wiring.

My cable broke, and I replaced the wiring between the cable support on the back of the X axis. and the einsy case. with the joints being on the fixed part of the x axis and inside the einsy case, where the wires are not flexing

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 04/08/2018 3:09 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: XYZ Calibration and BED problem

if your printer is less than 2 years old, have a word with support, they may be able to help!

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 04/08/2018 3:11 pm
Dino Coglitore
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: XYZ Calibration and BED problem

Hi Joan,
I thank you for your prompt reply.

I verified what you suggested and actually moving the X carriage from left to right, the LED remains turned on. But at the end of the cart ride (from 200 to the end of the bed) the PINDA LED turned off. It is just the side of the bed in which I had problems with the calibration.

It is surely something related to the cable (as you say). Infact, losing the extruder at the end of the BED, I tried to move the PINDA cable near the controller case and the LED turned on.

Wonderful !

I have to verify the PINDA cable connection.
I thank you a lot for your help. I hope that my little issue could help someone else.


Posted : 04/08/2018 7:57 pm