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Very slow heatbed heating  

Tyoi Rhysode
Active Member
Very slow heatbed heating

Hey Guys and Gals, I've got the following problem since today;

After removing the old and broken PEI sheet from one of my MK2S's and replacing it with a new one, the heatbed takes at least 60min to heat up to 100 degrees C. I've redid the PID calibration and the heating calibration, but that doesn't seem to fix it. None of my other printers have this problem, they heat up within 2-3min. All printers are situated in enclosures, so no outside temperature influences.

Anyone have an idea what might be the problem?

Heating up only 2 degrees (98 to 100) took 19min's! Opening the enclosure doors for a minute makes the bed drop 3 degrees.

Posted : 01/08/2018 11:41 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Very slow heatbed heating

Check connectors on the RAMBO/EINSY-Board, check the connector on the heatbed. Check for cable break. Is the LED on the heatbed connector on ?

Normally, heating should take only a few seconds for about 2 degrees.


Posted : 02/08/2018 10:38 am
Tyoi Rhysode
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Very slow heatbed heating

Hey Thomas,

The LED on the heatbed does light up, but doesn't switch to 'blinking/strobing' indicating it is just heating with intervals/pwm.

I haven't detached the heatbed from the printer when replacing the PEI, connections should all be correct but will check when I get back home this evening. I was thinking perhaps the heatbed termistor isn't attached to the bed anymore/got loose and thus reading airtemp instead of the bed itself but haven't had the chance to check it yet.

Posted : 02/08/2018 12:17 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Very slow heatbed heating

Hi !

If your LED always shows full power you should be sure if the bed is always heating with 100%. Yes, maybe the Sensor under the heatbed is loose and the bed is overheating.

You have replaced the PEI ? Are you sure that you don't scratch one of this conductor tracks on the PCB ?


Posted : 03/08/2018 9:09 am