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MK52 12V Bed  

Active Member
MK52 12V Bed

Hey everyone,

Can you just jump to the new bed?  Is there something I can simply change in the code to make it work?


Best Answer by JoanTabb:

Hi Jella Joe, 
If you are comfortable, modifying firmware, you could 're map' the XYZ calibration sense points to match the sense points on the Mk52 12 volt heatbed, and then swap to the new heatbed. 
BUT. if ever there is an updated firmware, you would have to re edit it again to restore servicability with the Mk52 heatbed. 

As I have just mentioned in another post. 
I swapped to the new heat bed, knowing and accepting that XYZ Configuration will no longer work, and I simply print straight on the removable build plate. 
I need to do the initial Live Z calibration, after changing to the new setup. and I need to repeat the live Z calibration if I change the heatbed. 
the PEI Heatbed is thicker than both the silk and textured heatbeds, so the smooth PEI needs a different live Z value, to achieve good prints!

I use the same filament profiles as the original Mk2 before the change of heatbed. 

Regards Joan

Posted : 13/06/2022 5:40 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK52 12V Bed

Hi Jella Joe, 
If you are comfortable, modifying firmware, you could 're map' the XYZ calibration sense points to match the sense points on the Mk52 12 volt heatbed, and then swap to the new heatbed. 
BUT. if ever there is an updated firmware, you would have to re edit it again to restore servicability with the Mk52 heatbed. 

As I have just mentioned in another post. 
I swapped to the new heat bed, knowing and accepting that XYZ Configuration will no longer work, and I simply print straight on the removable build plate. 
I need to do the initial Live Z calibration, after changing to the new setup. and I need to repeat the live Z calibration if I change the heatbed. 
the PEI Heatbed is thicker than both the silk and textured heatbeds, so the smooth PEI needs a different live Z value, to achieve good prints!

I use the same filament profiles as the original Mk2 before the change of heatbed. 

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 13/06/2022 8:34 pm
jella_joe liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK52 12V Bed

I have installed the bed and it is working.  I was thinking about trying to update the firmware but now I am hesitant.  I went back to find the other posts where this topic was discussed and ended up frustrated.  The guy asking the questions has a system that seems to be a mishmash of MK2.5, MK3 and MK2.  I have a simple MK2 with a magnetic bed.  lol.

Posted : 20/09/2022 12:24 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK52 12V Bed

If I could learn how to do firmware then I would just add a sticker to my frame to update firmware code before flashing new firmware.  I use to do some of that with my first 3D printer but that was almost a decade ago...before I got the MK2 and didn't need to do that stuff anymore.

Posted : 20/09/2022 12:27 pm