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Mesh Bed Leveling Fail  

Eric R
Active Member
Mesh Bed Leveling Fail

I really hope someone here has something for me to try. I've had my MK2 for a year with nothing but great prints. But the last thing I tried to print was radically wrong, with a big x/y offset between two of the layers, and a resulting pile of spaghetti. I don't know if the print head caught on something (there seemed to be evidence of a corner not sticking), but somehow everything got misaligned. None of the belts seem loose and nothing seems out of alignment.

When I calibrate Z, or do Mesh Bed Leveling, the hot end jabs into the bed starting at point 6. I get "Sensor didnt trigger. Debris on nozzle? Waiting for reset" Of course, there isn't any debris in the nozzle; I've made sure of that)

If I run XYZ calibration I always get the message "XYZ calibration Failed. Consult the manual."

I ran and passed the self test, and the PINDA probe's red light can be made to go off by getting a piece of metal near to it.
When I auto home, the PINDA probe is within the circle, and it looks to be about a half mm or so above the height of the hot end. It seems to be in its in its holder securely.

I might glaze over at extreme tech jargon, but I'll shake it off and do my best to do what I'm advised. I love my printer and just want to get back to printing. Thanks, all.

Posted : 21/03/2019 12:07 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Mesh Bed Leveling Fail

Any time something that has been working that has stopped working; you have to ask "What changed?"

Also - using the philosophy Fix what broke, then worry about calibration because the "bad part" and the calibration are probably unrelated. Any attempt to fix something that isn't broken - like PINDA height - when something else is still broken, just adds problems. E.g., a snag in motion is unrelated to PINDA.

So anything noteworthy happen between working and non-working? Did you change anything? Long gap between prints? Move the printer? Do some minor upgrade?

You mention what sounds similar to a layer shift: Have you tried - power off - moving the X and Y axis stop to stop to ensure they move smoothly without any snags? Checked gears are properly attached to the motor shafts? Belts not so loose they slip over the gears?

Did the shift happen in one axis or both axis?

When you did try calibration - and it failed at point 6 - did you happen to watch for the PINDA LED to flash on and off?

Posted : 21/03/2019 1:58 pm
Eric R
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Mesh Bed Leveling Fail

Thank you for the advice - that was very helpful on a fundamental level. Looking back on what might have changed, I pushed the Y axis back and forth and found that there was a hitch, which I soon discovered was due to some filament caught in the pulley. This had resulted from the last print that I'd done - a misprint, which spaghetti everywhere, some of which clearly must have gotten tangled in the pulley. After readjusting the Z after having messed with the PINDA probe, I think All's well again. I will remember this as good advice - look for what's changed before going off on a hunch. Thanks a lot!

Posted : 22/03/2019 1:50 am