Long Preheat - now touchy wiring issues
I had preheated my MK2 and ended up getting busy and walked about for 2 hours. When I came back to see it was still running and I went ahead and started the job. It had a Z issue once it did the corner checks. I started running selftests and an interesting thing happened. I've had zero problems in the last few month up to this one issue. If I slightly move the PIMDA wire the light within it turns on and off. So after a wiggle it worked during selftest but then the bed sensor errored. I wiggled that one as well and it turned on/off. Would the printer sitting in preheat for too long somehow effect all the wiring? It seems if it's affecting multiple wires all of a sudden that it may be the Rambo board itself. Anyone experience something like this? If a print job starts the wires will wiggle and I'm sure they'll be turning off/on during print. Don't want to do that! I appreciate any ideas!
RE: Long Preheat - now touchy wiring issues
My first recommendation would be to check for kinks/pinch points in the wires and to make sure there isn't too much tension (repeated use and strain will wear any wire down, and they may become more finicky as this goes on).