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Wave Like top layer  

Active Member
Wave Like top layer


I am using my Mk2s for a year now, and have been quite happy so far. Recently i am seeing on and off that the top layer has defects in form of the layer lifting off in waves.

Any hints into the cause and what i can do would be much appreciated.

Posted : 24/06/2018 11:54 am
Honorable Member
Re: Wave Like top layer

looks like too hot, pillowing.
increase top layer thickness, reduce heat, increase cooling.

“One does not simply use a picture as signature on Prusa forums”

Posted : 24/06/2018 4:10 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Wave Like top layer

The hint was spot-on, it seems the filament I have been using changed. Lowering the temp by 5°C worked it's charm!

Posted : 27/06/2018 1:31 pm