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Upgrade from MK2 to MK2.5  

Trusted Member
Upgrade from MK2 to MK2.5

Hi there,

i bought some month ago the printer upgrade for MK2->MK2S and MK2S->MK2.5.
Yesterday, i got the info that the package is delivered in the next week - whooop! - so i was going to get some infos and read the building-tutorials.

And now i'm a little bit confused 😀 For the MK2S-Upgrade, i have to nearest completly disassemble the printer and have to print a new Rambo-Case, also a new Extruder. The same procedure is needed for die MK2.5-upgrade.

Okay guys, i'm honest, i'm not that pro to do this on the fly in a single step. So, maybe you could help me.
1) Is there any Upgrade-Guide from MK2 directly to MK2.5 in one step?
2) If not, is it enough to print all the parts of the MK2.5-Upgrade - or are single parts of the MK2S(-upgrade) needed? I read about it, that the Extruder-Enclosure is completly new, also the Rambo-Case is completly redesigned.
3) Out of my mind, i bought the MK2S-Upgrade because of the new bearings/rods and because it's a requirement for the MK2.5-upgrade. I know, the HowTo's are very long and detailled - but maybe, if im lucky, i can just follow the Guides for Installation of the bearings/rods and then switch to the MK2.5-Upgrade-Guide? :->

Thanks! In the worst case i have to do a very frustrating job: Dis- an reassamble the printer 2 times in a row 🙂

Edit 1: Hey Guys. Just checked what i ordered (if ABS oder PETG is included); i saw, that the 2.5-Upgrade is called "Original Prusa i3 MK2/S to MK2.5 upgrade kit". So, if i can upgrade a MK2 to MK2.5 with this kit, all "needed printparts" are in the MK2.5-Print-Bundle? So i should be right with my upper opinion?

Posted : 03/06/2018 5:41 pm
New Member
Re: Upgrade from MK2 to MK2.5

Hi Bastian, I ordered the same kits as you and asked a similar question. In short print the 2.5 parts and only print the part called Y-distance from the MK2s kit. I looked and believe that the MK2s and MK2.5 upgrade are just as you thought.

My plan is to do both upgrades at the same time since it looks to me the MK2s is just rods, bearing and U bolts and the primary parts for the MK2.5 deal with the extruder.

That's how I plan on going toward it, If you find a part missing that you should have printed you can have a friend print it. Other wise just print them all from both kits and toss what you don't use! 😀 The orange and black they send are both PETG and I used a non contact infaread probe to check my bed temp, I found it is lower then the readout so I am printing with bed at 90 for first layers and then 85 for remaining with nozzle at 245.
I also used a 10 MM brim on the extruder cover because of the extension on the one end of the part, the rest of the parts I used a 5 MM brim, no glue on the bed just cleaned it with a little soapy water and dried it with alchol wipe. Everything printed great, the extruder body is printing as I write.
I hope this helps some, Mark

Edit, Forgot to mention I reduced the overall printing speed to 90% from 100% in the slicer.

Posted : 05/06/2018 3:20 am