Thin Blue wire removed while removing large filament blob
When removing a large blob a thin blue wire came off when i was removing the blob. I couldn't figure out where the wire was attached to as it is thinner than any other wires connecting to the extruder assembly. (even thinner than the small fan wires for the fan that blows over the extruder fins). It must have been some wire to a sensor since it is so thin. (i.e. can't carry much current)
Tried to preheat for PLA after blob removal and cleanup and the nozzle temperature doesn't work (won't heat up) So i assume it was the wire that connects to a sensor that checks/controls the extruder temperature.
What must I replace to get the old bugger running again or can that wire be replaced/fixed easily?
RE: Thin Blue wire removed while removing large filament blob
The thin blue wire is for the hotend Thermistor, or temperature sensor. It is usually held in to the heater block with a tiny setscrew. This is probably all dunked in with molten plastic.
If the hotend has a lot of hours on it, I would consider replacing the Thermistor, Heater Cartridge and Heater Block as a set, or the entire hotend.
Make sure that you get the correct thermistor... get it only from either Prusa or E3D. If you get it from Prusa, the wires run all the way back to the MiniRambo, and from E3D, there is a connector near the thermistor and an extension cable.
Prusa and E3D use a specific type of thermistor which usually has blue wires. Clone hotends often have a different thermistor which reads ok at room temperature but is pretty far off at printing temperature.
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