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Is the Original Prusa Mk2S worth it for the price?  

Active Member
Is the Original Prusa Mk2S worth it for the price?

So this is my first 3d printer and to Australia with shipping the kit cost me $980AUD. However after looking at the price compared to the Tevo Tarantula(with bed upgrade/shipping = $300AUD.

Given the massive $600AUD gap in price is the Original Prusa MK2S worth it? I could by the Tarantula and a CR-10 for the cost of 1 prusa.

I also so a lot of what looks like either very happy customers or advertising for the CR-10 and the prusa on this subreddit, so I am very conflicted with my options.

Should I cancel my order with Prusa?

Posted : 05/12/2018 7:23 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Is the Original Prusa Mk2S worth it for the price?

I bought the Mk3 kit - have 2000+ hours on it - replaced some bearings because I neglected to grease them during build - and would do it all over again.

I was a neophyte before owning the Mk3. Friends recommended the Prusa; a wide range of mechanical engineering types who have experience with many 3D printers ranged from $DIY to $20,000+ USD. Without condition they all recommended the Prusa Mk3 over the $3,000 printer I was also considering.

Of course, your experience may vary.

Posted : 05/12/2018 7:53 am
Honorable Member
Re: Is the Original Prusa Mk2S worth it for the price?

i personally feel that as a single material printer the MK2S is superior to the MK3.

Now granted the MK2S does not have the new convenient features of the MK3.

However the MK2S has more stable firmware and better surface quality and less messing around,
basically the mk2s is a work horse.

less features means less things to go wrong as well.

the MK2S extruder design can also more easily handle softer materials like TPU. so i find the MK2s to have a larger range of material possibilities where the MK3 can be very finicky.

mechanically the MK2s is better and more stable. there is more to think about based on your needs. the MK3 removable bed does make removing prints much easier. the MK3 is also more octoprint ready compared to the MK2s if you know that you will be needing more remote management and have trouble with flat beds that are not removable then the MK3 will make more sense even with a more limited field of use. if surface quality is a must then the MK2s is much better then the MK3.

for me i have both machines i had a MK2S for over a year was was very happy with it. when the MK3 came out i was the first to get one. the Mk3 was a total disaster it literally took 4 months before prusa put out a firmware were the machine was half way usable. they were putting out revised parts constantly and nothing was working i rebuilt the machine from the ground up 2 times with no results. i had preordered 2 more MK3 machines when mine had arrived before i used it and found the major issues in the first week. believe me i was gung ho about the mk3.

Because of the problems i cancelled my MK3 order and changed it to two more MK2S machines and the MK3 machine went right back into a box for another 4 months as it was really un-usable.

It was not until this summer 2018 when the community had made enough progress in fixing some of prusa's issues that it made sense to start using the machine again.

even then it has been constant tinkering with the MK3 with little improvement. however since the machine is basically experimental and i had other printers working on output i decided to try out a MMU2(multi-material) upgrade for the Mk3. i have been using that with some success.

with remote print management i had big issues with the MK2S. under the same conditions the MK3 worked ok.

so food for some thought. it will depend on your needs or future needs.

print quality = Mk2s
less break downs= Mk2s
range of materials = mk2s

speed = mk3
remote management = mk3
easy in removing prints = mk3
filament management = mk3 (spotty)
better energy management = mk3
faster start ups = mk3

“One does not simply use a picture as signature on Prusa forums”

Posted : 05/12/2018 6:27 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Is the Original Prusa Mk2S worth it for the price?

You should be asking in a Tevo forum. If the Tarantula does what you want and the results are good then save the money. Maybe spend it on the people who gave you the best advice 😛

Posted : 06/12/2018 3:13 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Is the Original Prusa Mk2S worth it for the price?

So this is my first 3d printer and to Australia with shipping the kit cost me $980AUD. However after looking at the price compared to the Tevo Tarantula(with bed upgrade/shipping = $300AUD.

Given the massive $600AUD gap in price is the Original Prusa MK2S worth it? I could by the Tarantula and a CR-10 for the cost of 1 prusa.

I also so a lot of what looks like either very happy customers or advertising for the CR-10 and the prusa on this subreddit, so I am very conflicted with my options.

Should I cancel my order with Prusa?

Any updates?

Posted : 08/12/2018 11:56 am