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Did everyone get their orders on time?  

Pagina 38 / 42
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Printer arrived in US about 40 minutes ago at 1:12 AM local time. Should be in my hands on Wednesday. 😀 Unfortunately, however, I will have to wait a couple weeks now to assemble because I will be traveling for the next 10 days 😡

Postato : 04/07/2017 8:57 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Got a package wrapped in black plastic today from some dude named Josef from the Czech Republic. Wonder what that might be 😮

Postato : 05/07/2017 11:23 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Yet again been told next week!! this will put me well over 10 weeks! fuming to say the least! 👿

Postato : 06/07/2017 1:08 pm
French moderator and translator Moderator
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I picked up the same strange parcel yesterday :mrgreen:
Ordered April the 30th, arrived at the pickup location July the 4th.

Postato : 06/07/2017 2:08 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

May 26th
Black/Orange Kit

My 7th week is next week. Contacted support to check on the status. I was told it is scheduled to be ship out next week to Northeast, US.

Fingers crossed. I will report back when I get an actual email update.

As many of you, waiting this thing for more than a month is killing me. I'm so spoil with same day shipping with Amazon (order by 10 am and get it before 8 pm same day).

Postato : 07/07/2017 4:17 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

May 26th
Black/Orange Kit

My 7th week is next week. Contacted support to check on the status. I was told it is scheduled to be ship out next week to Northeast, US.

Fingers crossed. I will report back when I get an actual email update.

As many of you, waiting this thing for more than a month is killing me. I'm so spoil with same day shipping with Amazon (order by 10 am and get it before 8 pm same day).

Ordered May 28th, Black/Orange Kit. You post gives me some confidence that my printer isn't too far off! I'm just like you and have become used to next day/same day shipping.

I've killed time by designing lots of parts that need printing. I also stocked up on little bits and pieces for my printer. Things like E3D sock's, Spare Nozzles, print tool, silica gel packets and a print removal tool.

Postato : 07/07/2017 4:34 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

May 26th
Black/Orange Kit

My 7th week is next week. Contacted support to check on the status. I was told it is scheduled to be ship out next week to Northeast, US.

Fingers crossed. I will report back when I get an actual email update.

As many of you, waiting this thing for more than a month is killing me. I'm so spoil with same day shipping with Amazon (order by 10 am and get it before 8 pm same day).

Ordered May 28th, Black/Orange Kit. You post gives me some confidence that my printer isn't too far off! I'm just like you and have become used to next day/same day shipping.

I've killed time by designing lots of parts that need printing. I also stocked up on little bits and pieces for my printer. Things like E3D sock's, Spare Nozzles, print tool, silica gel packets and a print removal tool.

Oh yes, I also got small things like E3D socks, extra filaments (5 rolls) and drill bit for future clogged nozzle and PTFE lube etc.

Did you order anything else other than the kit? My order has couple of extra PEI sheets and tubes as well hope they don't delay the whole order but I will find out soon enough.

Postato : 07/07/2017 4:45 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

May 26th
Black/Orange Kit

My 7th week is next week. Contacted support to check on the status. I was told it is scheduled to be ship out next week to Northeast, US.

Fingers crossed. I will report back when I get an actual email update.

As many of you, waiting this thing for more than a month is killing me. I'm so spoil with same day shipping with Amazon (order by 10 am and get it before 8 pm same day).

You're two days after me, I ordered the same but on the 24th May.
The portal shows "From July 24, 2017" so I'm hoping sooner also!
I'm going to look into a few additional parts also, any specific parts you'd recommend?

Postato : 07/07/2017 5:11 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

May 26th
Black/Orange Kit

My 7th week is next week. Contacted support to check on the status. I was told it is scheduled to be ship out next week to Northeast, US.

Fingers crossed. I will report back when I get an actual email update.

As many of you, waiting this thing for more than a month is killing me. I'm so spoil with same day shipping with Amazon (order by 10 am and get it before 8 pm same day).

You're two days after me, I ordered the same but on the 24th May.
The portal shows "From July 24, 2017" so I'm hoping sooner also!
I'm going to look into a few additional parts also, any specific parts you'd recommend?

Having shipping table is great but based on this thread, some people got their kit much sooner ( ordered in June and received shipping label in end of June) or much later than what it shows. So I've stop looking at the table, I rather ask support for the status as squiky wheel gets the grease.

As for the parts, I ordered additional tubbing and PEI sheet from Prusa because Prusa sells pre cut ones for the MK2S.

Any other items were obtained from other online and local stores. Since I have other 3d printer; E3D socks, print removal tool, drill bit for clogged nozzle and PTFE lube for XYZ bearing, wire cutter, tweezer, rubbing alcohol for print bed cleaning are must IMO. Of course, research the filaments and try to get some different colors in your preferred material in reasonable price.

Postato : 07/07/2017 5:41 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Just got my shipping confirmation, ordered standard MK2s on 14th May, Nice surprise as this is 1 week ahead of current forecast 🙂

Postato : 08/07/2017 12:31 am
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?


I ordered my kit in black on 1st. of June. Got the tracking number on 28/06/17 and the printer arrived on 29/06/17.

Destination was Germany. 4 weeks leadtime is less than stated in the shop. I am very happy :mrgreen:

Same situation as me. I ordered the black kit on 4th of June. Destination is Germany . I also received the tracking number on 28/06/17 but the deliver status did not changed yet.

My black kit leaved the company yesterday. Expect to recieve the package on 11/07/2017.

Postato : 08/07/2017 10:24 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Got my tracking ticket yesterday, ordered my kit on the 14th of May. Hoping it's shipped this week.

Postato : 09/07/2017 8:54 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Oh yes, I also got small things like E3D socks, extra filaments (5 rolls) and drill bit for future clogged nozzle and PTFE lube etc.

Did you order anything else other than the kit? My order has couple of extra PEI sheets and tubes as well hope they don't delay the whole order but I will find out soon enough.

Hey sorry for the delay in response,

Well originally I had just ordered the kit but I added an extra PEI sheet today. The support chat was great and it was super easy to add it onto my existing order. I also made a quick check on the status of my order. They estimate that the order will be sent in the week 17th to 24th of July. I ordered the Orange and Black Kit on 28/5/17. The shipping destination is the UK.

Hope this helps and gives people hope, seems like they are up one week on the schedule.

Postato : 09/07/2017 6:45 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered the Black & Orange Kit on 09/05/17 schedule says it should be shipped this week but they surprised me and it's already on its way!

Herne-Boernig, Germany 10/07/2017 9:10 Arrival Scan
Nurnberg, Germany 10/07/2017 2:38 Departure Scan
Nurnberg, Germany 08/07/2017 1:45 Arrival Scan
Prague, Czechia 07/07/2017 22:10 Departure Scan
07/07/2017 19:58 Export Scan
07/07/2017 19:58 Origin Scan
07/07/2017 18:16 Collection Scan
Czechia 06/07/2017 10:49 (ET) Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Should be here on the 12th!

Postato : 10/07/2017 10:14 am
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

It's here! 😀

Black/orange kit ordered: May 01
Arrived, Cape Town, ZA : July 10
Total: 10,08 weeks did spend four days at the UPS warehouse (which is about two klicks from my house) waiting for customs clearance 🙄

Postato : 10/07/2017 1:10 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered black/orange kit on May 19th - just received shipping info this morning - no tracking info yet. But it's ready to get on it's way. :mrgreen:

Postato : 11/07/2017 12:34 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Order: May 26th, Northeast, US

Orange/Black Kit with Couple of PEI Sheets and extra PTFE Tubbings

Contacted support total of 5 times

Just received shipping label this morning at 5:15 am.

This week is the 7th week waiting. Since today is Tuesday, I have high hope to received it by Friday and assembling it this weekend.

Postato : 11/07/2017 1:36 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Received my shipping notice today too. Ordered end of May.

Moving to UPS to click refresh 100 times a day.

Postato : 11/07/2017 8:21 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Received my shipping notice today too. Ordered end of May.

Moving to UPS to click refresh 100 times a day.

OOOOOH mine should be coming soon then! Ordered on 05/31. Chomping at the bit over here. Traveling first half of next week. Maybe it will be here when I get home

Postato : 11/07/2017 8:41 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Order: May 26th, Northeast, US

Orange/Black Kit with Couple of PEI Sheets and extra PTFE Tubbings

Contacted support total of 5 times

Just received shipping label this morning at 5:15 am.

This week is the 7th week waiting. Since today is Tuesday, I have high hope to received it by Friday and assembling it this weekend.

receiving it friday will be amazing. i can't believe this dream will soon be a reality. 😀

whats funny is i feel intimidated now.... this printer is coming and i have to build it and use it...

Postato : 12/07/2017 4:11 am
Pagina 38 / 42