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Did everyone get their orders on time?  

Stránka 34 / 42
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

"In Transit" just means shipping label created. Actual pickup by UPS can be much later...

I hope they don't use the shipping label as a way to calm down "angry" customers...

I can confirm this is not the case. Mine was picked up by UPS in the evening (around 20:00 local time I think). It's currently on its way through Germany to Sweden.

Ok, I have to admit things went really smooth for me too 🙂

> Shipping label was created on tuesday the 20th of June at 15:23
> Pickup on wednesday (yesterday) at 21:01
> Delivered to me 5 minutes ago at 11:59

Napsal : 22/06/2017 12:08 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I must admit: I'm getting frustated. When i ordered mid April (16th), i accepted a lead time of around 5 weeks for orange kit.
When i now read, that some customer(s), which ordered weeks after me, got their kits...really disapointing.
I contacted support this monday; Pawel told me, that my kit will be shipped this week. Hope, they can keep word.

Ok, Prusa reaserch move its factory/Headquarter in the meantime (which, of course, caused a delay in their plan). But if the promised delivery period could not be scheduled: Some communication to the customer, which ordered an item for such an amount of money, would do magic.

Napsal : 22/06/2017 12:30 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

What came to my mind is that maybe they group shipments by destination.
The UPS truck that picked up my packet went from Prague _directly_ to Nuremberg and from there to Wuerzburg.
So maybe it's "European Destination Week" and then "US Destination Week" etc.
That could explain the different shipping dates, at least to a certain degree (+- 1 week).

Napsal : 22/06/2017 12:40 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I am located in germany, too.

Napsal : 22/06/2017 12:41 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I am located in germany, too.

Anything extra added to your order?

Napsal : 22/06/2017 12:43 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?


Napsal : 22/06/2017 12:43 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I added an extra PETG Filament two days after ordering.

Hope you get it just in time for the weekend...
It's too hot to go outside anyway 😎

Napsal : 22/06/2017 12:49 pm
Richard D
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I am little peeved too. I was willing to pay for the fully assembled version but ordered the kit version because it was supposed to ship earlier.

Now my order of 26th April has yet to ship while fully assembled versions ordered as late as June 4th are already shipping.

Why the change in shipping strategy?

Napsal : 22/06/2017 12:53 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered on April 18th. Shipping label was created today (22nd of June).
Ordered a regular orange kit, no extras.
So that's almost 9.5 weeks. That's a bit off from the 7 weeks they had as lead time when I ordered.
But I'm happy that I'll (hopefully) have a printer to assemble over the weekend.

Napsal : 22/06/2017 1:03 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I think, PR have recognized, that speed of delivery is the more important selection criterion than price for most of their customers.
If i had known that before, i would have chosen the assembled version, too.

Napsal : 22/06/2017 1:06 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Package in transit mail just received, orange kit ordered 25th of April. :mrgreen:

I ordered a standard kit on April 20th and nothing yet 👿

Hasn't shipped yet, but got my tracking number.

👿 ➡ 😮 ➡ :mrgreen:

Napsal : 22/06/2017 3:40 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I'm sure they are keeping their assemblers busy. The demand for kits must be far greater so it's harder for them to catch up. You can't really fault them if you don't know the actual numbers.

Napsal : 22/06/2017 3:41 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Good point! Doesn't even help to complain...they had their reasons for this decision.
After all, what i've read about Prusa MK2S, especially the possibilty for a later upgrade to multimaterial and the great efforts they put in matching softwaredevelopement: there won't be another option for me.
Fingers crossed, that it will ship soon.
And that actual waves will calm down fast with their new factory.

Napsal : 22/06/2017 6:43 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I saw the update yesterday as well... good to know that I'm not the only one stalking the website! As soon as I saw that the fully built printers jumped way ahead my "blood began to boil" 👿 so I did what any helpless person would do, I fired off an email & waited patiently, again... 😎

My email:
In May when I was deciding to purchase between the kit & the pre-assembled MK2S the pre-assembled version had a 10 week wait so I bought the kit because it was a 7 week wait & I saved some $$. Now I see that the pre-assembled versions are getting shipped out way before the kits! Is there any reason for that or is it just because they paid more? Mostly the wait is just killing me... Thank you for your time & thanks for making such a finely tuned & popular printer!!!

Waiting patiently,""

& the response:

"Hi there,

The only reason is that the demand for fully built printers logically dropped (as the lead-time was hire). So now we got about the same lead-time for both. If you wish you can upgrade to Full printer, you would only have to pay for the difference.

Best regards"

😯 Now that I'm re-reading this, they didn't really answer my 2nd issue, they just said why the lead time currently dropped. I'm not sure if they are catering to the higher price or they work in large chunks of orders at a time, or if they have two different manufacturing divisions. You would think & hope it would be first come first serve. Oh well, I'm just trying to spend more time on the design side so that I when it does arrive I can have some projects ready for printing. I wish I kept my crappy little $250 printer, then at least I would feel somewhat satisfied. "Better wilted laurels than no laurels at all."

I ordered mine on the 14th of May, USA time (the 15th for them). 🙄

I'm just your typical 3D printing fanatic.

Napsal : 22/06/2017 6:55 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

My printer finally arrived, for anyone else on the west coast of Canada here is a look at the tracking info. The shipping label was made on June 7th, didn't leave the Czech Republic until a week later. Then once it hit Canada, it took 5 days to get 2.5 hours away... Can't say that I'm impressed with UPS, but that's not Prusa's fault.

Arrived at 11:30am.

Langley, BC, Canada
Destination Scan

Richmond, BC, Canada
Departure Scan

Burnaby, BC, Canada
Delivery will be rescheduled.

Richmond, BC, Canada
Departure Scan

Richmond, BC, Canada
Import Scan

Arrival Scan

Seattle, WA, United States
Departure Scan

Your package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release. / Receiver's customs broker has been assigned The shipment is now released to move in transit

Seattle, WA, United States
Arrival Scan

Louisville, KY, United States
Departure Scan

Louisville, KY, United States
A late flight has caused a delay. We're adjusting plans and working to deliver your package as quickly as possible.

Arrival Scan

A mechanical failure has delayed delivery. We're adjusting plans to deliver your package as quickly as possible. / Delivery will be rescheduled for Saturday.

The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.

Koeln, Germany
Departure Scan

Koeln, Germany
The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city.

Departure Scan

The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city.

Your package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release.
Prague, Czechia

Departure Scan

Export Scan

Your package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.

Prague, Czechia
Export Scan

Origin Scan

Your package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release.

Prague, Czechia
Pickup Scan

7:01 (ET)
Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Napsal : 22/06/2017 10:41 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Mine came the week they said it would in spite of what the web site said. I chatted with customer support and got my exact shipping date and tracking number.

Napsal : 23/06/2017 1:53 am
Josef Průša
Member Admin
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Increasing the production of fully assembled by 20 a day is quite easy and did wonders with the backlog. However increasing the production by the same number with kits would do nothing with the leadtimes. We increased production of everything, but only fully assembled have seen such a dramatic effect caused just by the relatively small number of backorders compared to the kits.

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Napsal : 23/06/2017 4:25 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

You know, that makes a lot of sense 😎 Nobody likes to wait for anything (especially my kids :shock:) but when the man himself is taking the time to explain the situation, it just reaffirms my decision to buy directly from them & keep a honest company in business. Thanks Josef, keep up the good work! I hope to have enough business for a major backlog someday :mrgreen:

I'm just your typical 3D printing fanatic.

Napsal : 23/06/2017 5:51 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

You know, that makes a lot of sense 😎 Nobody likes to wait for anything (especially my kids :shock:) but when the man himself is taking the time to explain the situation, it just reaffirms my decision to buy directly from them & keep a honest company in business. Thanks Josef, keep up the good work! I hope to have enough business for a major backlog someday :mrgreen:

This. Thank you for the response.

Napsal : 23/06/2017 7:14 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Increasing the production of fully assembled by 20 a day is quite easy and did wonders with the backlog. However increasing the production by the same number with kits would do nothing with the leadtimes. We increased production of everything, but only fully assembled have seen such a dramatic effect caused just by the relatively small number of backorders compared to the kits.

Many thanks Jo!

Now it's clear what's happen.

Previously I had the impression that Prusa Research was never reading this thread.

The time that you spent making your statement is very valuable for all your customers waiting for the kit.

Napsal : 23/06/2017 7:21 pm
Stránka 34 / 42