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Did everyone get their orders on time?  

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Robert Bonham
Estimable Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Yesterday I got a mail from prusa that my kit(black parts) as been shipped, ordered on 10 April, I'm so exciting:)It's becoming a little disheartening though. I'm starting to seem quite a few orders that were placed after me (April 5th, plain orange and black) that have shipped or in some cases have arrived already.
So mine looks like the shipping label was preprinted a week ahead since I asked for the frame to be signed. So while my printer has a tracking number, USP has not picked it up. (March 10, Black Kit)

Thanks for the info...I'm sorry for your delay, but at least it makes a little more sense to me now. I keep telling myself in a month or two I'll be printing and most likely wondering if I should order a second one 😉

Robert B.

Respondido : 26/05/2017 9:13 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Just keep holding on. At the end of the day we will be printing soon.

Respondido : 27/05/2017 1:39 am
Estimable Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Even today I'm wondering if I should cancel, order a good knockoff, put $500 back in my pocket and have the printer on Tuesday ❓

Hello robert.b26

I wonder just why I did not already canceled. 😕
My order was on the 26th of february. (All black parts).
If next week nothing happens, I buy at Amazon a printer, and for the saved 400€ I can upgrade it. 🙁

Based on my research if you buy cheap one(clones), you will end up spending more and the quality is not that good compare to Prusa printer. Prusa never stops on improving their printer and can be easily upgraded.

If I were you, try to change to orange instead of full black. You can print parts and change any color you like.

Respondido : 27/05/2017 3:54 am
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered April 16th and 6 weeks done 1-2 left 🙁

Philip G.
Original Prusa i3 MK2S
Turnigy Fabrikator Mini

Respondido : 27/05/2017 3:36 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered April 16th and 6 weeks done 1-2 left 🙁

Philip, based on shipping information your stuff should be shipped by next week . Mine another 2 weeks.

Respondido : 27/05/2017 5:52 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered April 16th and 6 weeks done 1-2 left 🙁

Philip, based on shipping information your stuff should be shipped by next week . Mine another 2 weeks.

You must be forgetting about shipping, hence the 1-2 weeks. I am on East Coast of the US and expect to get it around June 10-15.

Philip G.
Original Prusa i3 MK2S
Turnigy Fabrikator Mini

Respondido : 27/05/2017 11:26 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered April 16th and 6 weeks done 1-2 left 🙁

Philip, based on shipping information your stuff should be shipped by next week . Mine another 2 weeks.

You must be forgetting about shipping, hence the 1-2 weeks. I am on East Coast of the US and expect to get it around June 10-15.

You're right. 🙁

Respondido : 28/05/2017 1:07 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

So just got the printer right now, super fast shipping, shipped on 25.5 and delivery to my door today, ordered on 10 April black kit.

Respondido : 28/05/2017 1:20 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

So looks like black kits are now slightly ahead of the orange ones if ido.s got his before robert.b26

I ordered mine a week ago (Orange) and am already wondering why I am torturing myself and not just getting a Wanhao I3 and upgrading the electronics for bed leveling. But at least it seems that the black kits are now 2 weeks ahead of the shipping information on the order history page, so maybe I will get lucky they will knock a few weeks off. I wish they would update it regularly so at least I could see the progress and take some of the frustration out of waiting!

Respondido : 28/05/2017 2:50 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I ordered mine a week ago (Orange) and am already wondering why I am torturing myself and not just getting a Wanhao I3 and upgrading the electronics for bed leveling.

I have thought the same thing... I am past 6 weeks of waiting and to be honest I continue to see people say the wait was worth it. About 2 weeks into my wait, my brother decided to purchase a knock off Prusa i3 and received it next day Amazon Prime. Its been printing for a month now and he has done a lot of upgrades so far however the quality is just not there. Those Chinese kits suffer from poor quality parts such as the threaded rods for the Z axis which causes bad wobbles throughout the layers. Last, the constant fear of a fire is a reality when you have several reports of these Chinese kits igniting and causing thousands in damage.

Philip G.
Original Prusa i3 MK2S
Turnigy Fabrikator Mini

Respondido : 28/05/2017 3:04 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I ordered mine a week ago (Orange) and am already wondering why I am torturing myself and not just getting a Wanhao I3 and upgrading the electronics for bed leveling.

I have thought the same thing... I am past 6 weeks of waiting and to be honest I continue to see people say the wait was worth it. About 2 weeks into my wait, my brother decided to purchase a knock off Prusa i3 and received it next day Amazon Prime. Its been printing for a month now and he has done a lot of upgrades so far however the quality is just not there. Those Chinese kits suffer from poor quality parts such as the threaded rods for the Z axis which causes bad wobbles throughout the layers. Last, the constant fear of a fire is a reality when you have several reports of these Chinese kits igniting and causing thousands in damage.

Initially I was aspiring to buy Ultimaker Go (out of my budget and small volume) but I came across one knock off but looks awfull due to acrylic body. I was almost going to buy it while keeping money for Ultimaker but luckily I reseached and found this original Prusa printer. The reviews and feedbacks are outstanding and now dropped my plan buying Ultimaker.

The only problem I have with Prusa Printer is wait time. I was wondering to buy Micro 3D printer while waiting but don't have extra budget and I only discovered it too late. I was planning to practice with it while waiting for MK2S and once it arrive I will give it to my nephew(kids) for them to explore the world of 3d printing.

Overall I don't have any regret buying Prusa i3 MK2S printer in fact I am so very very very glad to discover this printer. As I have posted previously I will still buy even the lead time is 6 torturing months.

Respondido : 28/05/2017 4:12 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Just received my tracking information. Ordered a full black kit on the 1st of April. That means 8 weeks and 2 days from order to shipment. Most likely another 2-3 days in transit to Iceland.

Respondido : 29/05/2017 12:25 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered black kit March 11. Just got shipping info today may 29th.

Respondido : 29/05/2017 1:55 pm
Peter Main
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

So just got the printer right now, super fast shipping, shipped on 25.5 and delivery to my door today, ordered on 10 April black kit.
Ordered black kit March 11. Just got shipping info today may 29th.

So what order do they deliver these things in? One, ordered 11-March shipped 25-May (11 weeks 2 days) another ordered a month later on 10-April shipped 29-May (7 weeks, 3 days). Their delivery status page hasn't been updated for over 2 weeks.

I ordered mine (black & orange kit) on 12-April. I'm hoping that I'm on same schedule as ido.s, not poor stephen.w6 (he must have patience of a saint).

Respondido : 29/05/2017 3:40 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered black kit March 10, got shipping label printed notice May 29. 11 weeks, 3 days.

Respondido : 29/05/2017 4:38 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I ordered mine (black & orange kit) on 12-April. I'm hoping that I'm on same schedule as ido.s, not poor stephen.w6 (he must have patience of a saint).

Just a guess, but it might have something to do with regions? IE they are making batches of printers to send to specific regions, collecting serveral together to ship as a breakdown pallet rather than ship each printer individually to save themselves shipping costs?

Ordered black kit March 10, got shipping label printed notice May 29. 11 weeks, 3 days.

I would guess all 3 (stehpan, joshua, kristian) are in the same region, as they all got their shipping notification on the same day. Which means joshua got royally screwed with that wait time!

Respondido : 29/05/2017 7:50 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I ordered mine (black & orange kit) on 12-April. I'm hoping that I'm on same schedule as ido.s, not poor stephen.w6 (he must have patience of a saint).
FYI - Ordered April 7, just asked on Chat and was told that it should ship this week, possibly later in the week though. That's right in line with the schedule shown on the chart on the Order History page. I'd guess that if you ordered a week later, you'll ship a week later too, so probably next week.

Respondido : 29/05/2017 7:50 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

FYI, I am in Iceland, but it seems that my package has hit a snag. Not sure for how long this will delay it:

Prague, Czech Republic 05/29/2017 9:53 P.M. UPS delayed the package during the aviation security screening.

I searched for this term on the forum and I cannot find any reference, so I am guessing I am the only lucky guy to receive this :-s

UPDATE: The printer has been released from holding and is back on track.

Respondido : 30/05/2017 12:47 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

So just got the printer right now, super fast shipping, shipped on 25.5 and delivery to my door today, ordered on 10 April black kit.

Gotta wonder the shipping priority...I also ordered the Black Kit, April 4th, and Im not expecting to get a notification for another week at least.

Respondido : 30/05/2017 3:24 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Definitely a bit dodgy, but as Martin suggested a bit earlier in the thread; maybe they bulk together shipments to the same part of the world. Only thing that seems reasonable to me at least. Would definitely be nice with a bit more information coming out of Prusa Research on this, and more frequent updates on the estimated shipping table as well. Even if the shipping dates don't change it would be nice to see them update the chart once a week with the "Now shipping" showing they are still on track. Currently it has been almost a month since they updated it 🙁

If it wasn't for people updating in this thread I would be very frustrated for sure. So thanks everyone posting here! <3

Respondido : 30/05/2017 5:45 pm
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