Catastrophic print fail damaged thermistor?
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Catastrophic print fail damaged thermistor?  

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Catastrophic print fail damaged thermistor?

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I had my first fail in the first week using my new assembled Prusa Mk2s. It was an overnight print (silent mode, PETG filament).

When I checked in the morning, the bed was a complete mess. Filament all over the nozzle area, really horrible. I preheated the nozzle and scraped most of the filament out but it's still looking bad.

Anyway, I tried to print something again today after cleaning and now all prints are stopping at some point with the "Bed Thermal Runaway" error. Does anyone have experience with it? I found out that this is related to a fire protection mechanism. Should I just assume the overnight failed print damaged the thermistor or something else? Any thoughts?

PS: Noob here when it comes to 3d printer engineering so I really don't know what to do.

PS2: Before the fail, I had PETG successful prints before just using the PET preset, no changes at all (Slic3r)

PS3: The print had a lot of elements in the bed, maybe this was the mistake that caused the fail?

Posted : 03/06/2017 8:05 pm