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Teflon tube stuck to abs housing  

New Member
Teflon tube stuck to abs housing

My heatsink is stuck to the abs housing. I cannot remove the heat sink from the abs. It seems to me that the teflon tube is stuck in the hole. Can someone please assist me. i have removed the entire extruder housing in an attempt to change the teflon tube but i cannot seem to remove the heating unit at all. i'm been working on this for a really long time and i'm really upset at how this problem has not been address? This is really frustrating!!!

Posted : 04/02/2017 4:49 am
Honorable Member
Re: Teflon tube stuck to abs housing

I'm just throwing out ideas, you may want to get opinions from others.

What I would do is get a sharp razor, and *lightly* trim the rough edges, starting with the orange and try not to trim the tube. If that is not enough, get a cotton swab, dip in acetone, and apply to the top. Give time for the acetone to do its job, but before it completely dries see if the tube has become unstuck.

If you trim the orange away, it can be replace with other material like sugru or silocone, so keep trimming the orange until the tube becomes free.

See if you can use a precision screw driver to push the tube out.

Posted : 04/02/2017 5:28 am
Member Moderator
Re: Teflon tube stuck to abs housing

➡ or you can use a heat gun and warm it up at approximately 120°C - 150°C. then you should be able to pull it out with the hotends heatsink.

i would reccomend to wear gloves when you do this 😐

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Posted : 04/02/2017 9:49 am