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first layer issues....please help 🙁  

New Member
first layer issues....please help 🙁

could someone please help me out... i have assembled the mk2s, did the self test everything is ok, and i got "XYZ calibration all right. X/Y axes are slightly skewed. Good job! "... next i did the first layer calibration and i think i have found the sweet spot at -0.37 where the filament is nicely squished...however when i print a larger item i.e a square i am not getting good results... i thought i would play with the bed level correction so i have set the right and rear side to 40 um...however it didn't make much different..

I am using PLA, its printing at 215C and bed temp at 65c.

I am wiping the bed before every print with alchol pads which contain 70% Isopropyl alchol.



Posted : 04/05/2019 1:48 pm
Honorable Member
RE: first layer issues....please help 🙁

That does look like an uneven bed or skewed mechanics indeed. On the second picture the upper right corner looks too squished, the lower left not squished enough.

But if you've just assembled the printer, I suggest you proceed with printing. This will make prints that may not look the best when you look from the bottom, but will still print alright. Once you've gathered more experience with the printer, you can revisit the first layer and make sure your bed is flat and your printer is square and trammed.

Posted : 04/05/2019 2:22 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: first layer issues....please help 🙁

thank you... what can i do to make the bed even or make sure the printer is square and trammed? I am asking this mainly because I will be printing radio control parts which will be quiet big and i don't want to waste my time nor the filament printing something that won't come out properly as my printer was not trammed properly... so i rather solve this problem now then later 🙂 



Posted : 04/05/2019 2:36 pm
Honorable Member
RE: first layer issues....please help 🙁

You can find a guide on how to get everything straight and square HERE to a perfectionist level. You certainly shouldn't follow the advice to every detail, it'd take an inordinate amount of time tweaking, but it should at least help you getting an idea how to improve from your "Slightly skewed" to "XYZ calibration ok. X/Y axes are perpendicular. Congratulations!" And have X and Y parallel to the bed, too. It's for a Mk3, where things are easier, thanks to it using 3030 profiles and not threaded rods for the base, but the Mk2 is not that different, just requires more adjustment also to make the base square.

Posted : 04/05/2019 4:10 pm
Honorable Member
RE: first layer issues....please help 🙁

Instead of improving printer planarity and squareness, you can also correct for bed height imperfections in software using Bed Level Correction. There is more discussion about that HERE.

Posted : 04/05/2019 4:17 pm