XYZ fail after nozzle change
I recently needed to switch nozzles on my 2.5s. After the change and update on Firmware the XYZ calibration fails on the 4th point. When it stops it stops directly over the circle. This printer has been successfully printing for the last year at least and nothing has changed but the nozzle. Belts seem fine and motors are working optimally. PINDA probe was adjusted three times already. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
RE: XYZ fail after nozzle change
A couple of suggestions
Our MK2 series printers sometimes get the frame geometry out just enough to fail XYZ.
Check to see if the bed is square to the frame, that is if you move the Y-axis so the 50mm line on the grid aligns with the right side of the frame, the left side should also line up. The big frame nuts adjust for this - a little bit on one side only usually does it.
Also, after doing an X carriage full up, bring the carriage back down and see if the bed is "level" in relation to the nozzle. An easy way to check is to find something relatively soft, like a Benchy or calibration cube, move the extruder to the right or left, gently lower it so the nozzle almost touches, slide the extruder to the other side and see if the thing still fits under the nozzle by the same amount. This also is set by the large frame nuts, by loosening one side and moving vertically. Usually if this is "off" the printer won't sit perfectly flat on a flat surface, that is one side of the frame will be off the table.
Good luck!
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