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Powder coated sheet  

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Re: Powder coated sheet

Edit: I'm on a MK3 - Apparently search function dropped me out of the location I was in and I didn't realize it.

Since we're talking about this, I'm going to vent.
I'd love the powder coated sheet.... but... seems to be dangling it in front of my face like a carrot.... like playing keep-away. Don't know if that's their intent, but that's the impact. 😛

But now, a L2 person just put the printer in "RMA" status, then RMA Claim Cancel.... and asked me if I *already used the voucher* for the powder coated sheet, saying I should have received it, or something to that effect. Now I don't even know if I will EVER truly receive the voucher.
The answer is :: picks up megaphone :: a resounding NO - BUT I WISH!!!

I'm so confused... aggravated. 😡 I've yet to assemble the MMU2 on my shelf, because of this sensor business.
So yeah that's printing at a friend's house....

Is thekiing's powder coated sheet really ok? I've heard a couple of bad stories where they come apart, and never heard back from the guy selling them... I'm seriously considering ordering it, but.... eh...

Maybe I should consider putting the MK3 on some train tracks, and see if it can stop a train 😆

Postato : 19/12/2018 7:05 am
Re: Powder coated sheet

I think Theking's pC sheet is fine. There is a quality control issues just like Prusa and you have to heold them to a standard.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 19/12/2018 12:01 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Powder coated sheet

No sooner than I posted, they sent me the voucher overnight last night.

Thank you for the info though. I may still order one of the king's just to have an extra.

I was admittedly a little on edge with the whole... dad in hospital, new car with 245 miles breaking down thing... Crazy stuff comes in 3's they say, but mine came in 30s. lol

Postato : 19/12/2018 2:59 pm
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