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Most Recent Parts to Completely Reprint a MK2.5  

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Most Recent Parts to Completely Reprint a MK2.5

I have a Prusa i3 MK2 kit (shipped Feb/2017), which has since been upgraded to a Mk2S (Oct/2017), and then a Mk2.5 (Apr/2018).

After lots of reading, I've gotten the sense that the printed parts on my printer have seen some improvements since my MK2 shipped, and not all of those improvements were captured in the subsequent upgrade kit parts.

For example, the x_end_idler part (the bit on the right hand side of the X axis which contains the belt idler for the X axis) has a misalignment that causes my belt to squeak against the idler wheel. I've read about it being fixed as of the MK2S, but obviously none of the upgrade kits included a reprint of that part.

In general, I found myself wondering "If I wanted to reprint my current MK2.5 printer, with the latest stock version of each part, what would that file set be?"

Long story short, it looks like a MK2S's files with the MK2.5 upgrade kit added, but proving that to myself resulted in a little research jaunt, which I thought I'd share here.

Feel free to reply here for any questions or comments, or if there's really something wrong with my data feel free to file a ticket against the github repo.

Posted : 29/07/2018 5:59 am