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On The Way  

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Active Member
Re: On The Way

Think about who order it on christmast day! I won't get it before July with the current delivery speed..

I ordered on the 28th December 😡 Whats worse is seeing all those Prusa facebook adverts showing how great their print farm is.... Yeah printing out all those MK3 orders. I dont feel much loyalty from Prusa to the existing customer base.

Respondido : 23/04/2018 10:33 am
Creative Cloisters
Eminent Member
Re: On The Way

There is nothing to print (well a nozzle shroud) on the 2.5.

Incidentally I ordered on the 29th and my order no is 285948 be interesting to see how spread out they are at that point

Respondido : 23/04/2018 10:42 am
Active Member
Re: On The Way

There is nothing to print (well a nozzle shroud) on the 2.5.

Incidentally I ordered on the 29th and my order no is 285948 be interesting to see how spread out they are at that point

Yeah its just frustrating seeing them boasting how great they are yet ive been waiting 4 months for my order with likely another 2 months to wait. I work in manufacturing and if it took us 6 months to get product out the door we would not be in business.

Respondido : 23/04/2018 10:48 am
Creative Cloisters
Eminent Member
Re: On The Way

To be honest the lead time was what made me delay until december.

If I had known that the preorder period would drag out to half a year I wouldn't have preordered! They need to start considering a deposit system for these things. I was ready to wait 2 or 3 months but come on!

Respondido : 23/04/2018 11:06 am
Creative Cloisters
Eminent Member
Re: On The Way

To be honest the lead time was what made me delay until december.

If I had known that the preorder period would drag out to half a year I wouldn't have preordered! They need to start considering a deposit system for these things. I was ready to wait 2 or 3 months but come on!

Respondido : 23/04/2018 11:06 am
Trusted Member
Re: On The Way

Damaged the PCB tracks getting a print off - the heat bed gives me 'thermal runaway messages' on any temperature greater than 55 odd and the PEI is damaged in the centre of the bed.

I have had a replacement bed thermistor, replacement power supply, replacement heat bed cable and even tried wiring the heat bed supply (via a MOSFET) directly to the power supply but no luck...yes, I can replace the PEI sheet once again, and print everything on PLA, and then re-print the parts again using these parts on PETG (or PET or whatever it is they supply!) if the upgrade ever arrives

After all the expense I was hoping not to have to go through the aggravation (again) of replacing the PEI sheet - if I can fit the new heated bed this will avoid this.

No, I haven't dropped the printer...


i guess the flex plate perfect for you.

I read this forum regarding using mk2.5 plate on mk2s printer. Check this out if this can help you.


Yes, I had read this - there seemed to be some conflicting advice about whether or not using the new heat bed would work with the existing firmware, so I asked Prusa (via Chat) - and was told it would...just fit the bed and sheet and the probe for the 9 points would work as the steel sheet would be detected...without upgrading the firmware.

I asked for confirmation several times to make sure I understood correctly

I quote the last message (after several requests for clarification...)

"When you have calibrated (XYZ) MK2S then you can just change heatbed and start printing.

Run MK2s firmware.
Calibration befor printing will pass even if 9 points are in different places because metal sheet will act as one whole calibrating point.
Just change the heatbed and start printing. it will work."

This seems fairly unambiguous to me?

If I get a gouge on my new heat bed I will not be best pleased!

Once fitted and the new parts for the extruder etc printed (hopefully successfully) I will then rebuild the printer (extruder) and go through the XYZ calibration with the new firmware as in the manual - of course the upgrade has to be delivered first...


Respondido : 23/04/2018 1:06 pm
New Member
I'm frustrated

Is there any nearly reliable time-frame for shipping of the updates?

I ordered mine in January... and in the last weeks nothing has changed with the actual status of shipping the orders from October/November last year as the latest ones.

It can't be so complicate to estimate the incoming parts and outgoing orders to give us upgraders a column in the shipping table.

It is very frustrating not to know anything.

Respondido : 23/04/2018 2:15 pm
New Member
Re: On The Way

The frustration is certainly starting to kick in a little...

My Mk2.5 order was placed October 22nd, so it has now been more than half a year since I placed my order. Still no sign of shipping. What is really frustrating is seeing the shipping table showing shipping from Oct 26th onward... *waves hand*

Respondido : 23/04/2018 3:15 pm
Estimable Member
Re: On The Way

The frustration is certainly starting to kick in a little...

My Mk2.5 order was placed October 22nd, so it has now been more than half a year since I placed my order. Still no sign of shipping. What is really frustrating is seeing the shipping table showing shipping from Oct 26th onward... *waves hand*

What?! Oct22? Mine is Oct27 and Im hoping for them to ship this week. That means I still need to count weeks. 🙁

Respondido : 23/04/2018 5:07 pm
Estimable Member
Re: I'm frustrated

Is there any nearly reliable time-frame for shipping of the updates?

I ordered mine in January... and in the last weeks nothing has changed with the actual status of shipping the orders from October/November last year as the latest ones.

It can't be so complicate to estimate the incoming parts and outgoing orders to give us upgraders a column in the shipping table.

It is very frustrating not to know anything.

With this kind of pace and if no improvement, yours probably on june or july. Mine is almost 6 months (ordered oct27) but still no update and until now still waiting.

Respondido : 23/04/2018 5:18 pm
Reputable Member
Re: I'm frustrated

Is there any nearly reliable time-frame for shipping of the updates?

I ordered mine in January... and in the last weeks nothing has changed with the actual status of shipping the orders from October/November last year as the latest ones.

It can't be so complicate to estimate the incoming parts and outgoing orders to give us upgraders a column in the shipping table.

It is very frustrating not to know anything.

January? i think that's considered a new order? not sure but a lot of us here are still waiting from oct so i wouldn't expect it any time soon.

You don't think it's complicated because you've never had to do it, but it's easier said than done. even smallish kickstarers with 100 orders people have run into issues making assumptions. when you have 100+ employees you can't assume their performance will be the same every day. you can't estimate when one or a few call in sick or just low production or maybe they're needed elsewhere. now you're 20-30 orders behind compounded by x amounts of days. Then you find out some beds or other parts aren't functioning and you have to wait for the next shipment from the supplier but then the supplier is delays by 2 days and you were supposed to ship 200 before the weekend but now you must wait until Monday.... but that's assuming people work on the weekend and ship... but we're dealing with business days here. they don't so now your behind. again.

now you could ramp up a bunch of people but then there is Training, oh god... training. then that might get you caught up where they now don't need those 50 employees anymore... then they have to lay them off.

while the upgrade is fairly simple i imagine they test the bed, sensors parts in the process of packaging them.

Respondido : 23/04/2018 8:48 pm
Eminent Member
Re: I'm frustrated

Is there any nearly reliable time-frame for shipping of the updates?

I ordered mine in January... and in the last weeks nothing has changed with the actual status of shipping the orders from October/November last year as the latest ones.

It can't be so complicate to estimate the incoming parts and outgoing orders to give us upgraders a column in the shipping table.

It is very frustrating not to know anything.

January? i think that's considered a new order? not sure but a lot of us here are still waiting from oct so i wouldn't expect it any time soon.

You don't think it's complicated because you've never had to do it, but it's easier said than done. even smallish kickstarers with 100 orders people have run into issues making assumptions. when you have 100+ employees you can't assume their performance will be the same every day. you can't estimate when one or a few call in sick or just low production or maybe they're needed elsewhere. now you're 20-30 orders behind compounded by x amounts of days. Then you find out some beds or other parts aren't functioning and you have to wait for the next shipment from the supplier but then the supplier is delays by 2 days and you were supposed to ship 200 before the weekend but now you must wait until Monday.... but that's assuming people work on the weekend and ship... but we're dealing with business days here. they don't so now your behind. again.

now you could ramp up a bunch of people but then there is Training, oh god... training. then that might get you caught up where they now don't need those 50 employees anymore... then they have to lay them off.

while the upgrade is fairly simple i imagine they test the bed, sensors parts in the process of packaging them.

Like I get that aspect of it, but when you read people with order numbers / dates after yours that are shipped days or weeks ahead of you it gets really frustrating. Mines Oct 26th, which is the first day of the updated shipping table and it still hasn't shipped.

albe.g posted his shipped on the 17th and they ordered after me ... how is that fair?

I do agree though, ramping up production isn't as easy as slapping a few more bodies on the line to boost production but at the same time, Prusa has been doing his for years. They've had 7 months since the MK3 was released and 6 since the 2.5/3 upgrades were. You'd think they'd have adequate resources by now to test sensors and then package things.

Edit: Now there's a post on facebook about a Nov 1st 2,5 upgrade shipping ... and my oct 26th still hasn't. I asked chat today and got told 'it'll be another 4 business days before yours ships' ....

So basically they are either lying on their shipping table since my order is the first day of it and it'll be past a full week at that point, or they haven't a clue what they are doing and just sending out packages randomly.

Respondido : 23/04/2018 10:12 pm
New Member
The problem I see...

The problem I see is... it looks absolutely like chaos to me. Chaos in handling the customers. Chaos in handling the ordered products.

To find the shipping-table it's easier to use google... than to use the Prusa website/portal. It's very good hidden...

And when looking at that table they ship assembled i3 ordered from March and dissassembled units from February.

So they have parts... and I guess... we upgraders will receive our parts when they run out of new orders for the full i3 units and therefore, "spare parts" are available.

Okay... at last it's a business and not a "Ponyhof" (as we say in Germany: A place where children can play with little horses and have fun 😉 ... so we must not expect some kind of justness vom the "Prusa Company"... they want to make money, and we want to have their products. They sell and ship i3 -- and we could have bought one.

But... as much as I like my i2S -- next time I most probably will not buy one of their printers. Not because I have to wait... because I left alone in the dark.

P.S.: It could very well be that they have problems with the 12V heatbed and that causes all the delays. But they got my e-mail with my order. And an automated status-message update with some explanation and a possible shipping date couldn't be too complicated to implement.

Respondido : 24/04/2018 10:47 am
Estimable Member
Re: On The Way

I wish they have shipping table for upgrade kit to give us idea which week will be expecting to get our order.

Respondido : 24/04/2018 4:00 pm
Reputable Member
Re: On The Way

and a live video feed of the assembly line.

Respondido : 24/04/2018 6:08 pm
Estimable Member
Re: On The Way

Customer service told me that mine will be shipped by the end of this week. Ordered 27Oct. After this another waiting game for MMU 2.0 order.

It’s almost 6 months now but it’s worth the wait. This is the worst delay experience but I don’t blame them. Prusa is still the best FDM printer for me.

Respondido : 25/04/2018 1:18 am
Estimable Member
Re: On The Way

and a live video feed of the assembly line.

No company will ever do that.

Respondido : 25/04/2018 5:15 am
Reputable Member
Re: On The Way

and a live video feed of the assembly line.

No company will ever do that.

i was being sarcastic... while we could do with a shipping schedule, it's not a huge deal... knowing the dates won't change when it arrives. its like people being overly excited and frustrated at the same time they want to know every little details. like people tracking the UPS PLANE with their MK3s even.... just relax and go do life..... if delays bother you, end it by canceling it.... done. no more worries. you did without the upgrade before it existed.... it's just a convenience, not a necessity.

Respondido : 26/04/2018 8:54 pm
Eminent Member
Re: On The Way

I just received my shipping notice for my Nov 24th order so it seems they have really ramped it up in the last week.

Respondido : 28/04/2018 3:50 pm
Eminent Member
Re: On The Way

I just received my shipping notice for my Nov 24th order so it seems they have really ramped it up in the last week.

And yet my Oct 26th order still hasn’t shipped ... wtf

Respondido : 28/04/2018 5:45 pm
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