upgrade mks 2.5 bed only
Hello all,
Just bought the 2.5s upgrade. My printer is working great but the bed is showing some wear. Can I only upgrade to the removable bed. The thought of tearing apart some of my printer that is working fine scares me.
RE: upgrade mks 2.5 bed only
I have a Mk2 with MMUv1 which I didn't want to upgrade to mk2.5 and MMU2, so I got the Mk2.5 Upgrade, and changed the Mk42 heatbed for the 12volt Mk52 heatbed that came in the upgrade kit... It looks like some of the XYZ calibration pads on the Mk52 12 volt heatbed, are in different places to the Mk42 calibration pads... so I have not tried XYZ calibration, since changing the heatbed. however when the PEI covered flex plate, is in position, the Mk2 printer will satifactorily complete Live Z calibration.
NOTE. the 24 volt Mk52 heatbed needs a larger Y carriage than the mk2 printer possesses. as I found out when I tried to add a 24 volt PSU, einsy and Mk52 24volt heatbed to a mk2 chassis...
Regards Joan.
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: upgrade mks 2.5 bed only
Hey @joantabb ,
With the calibration pads being in different places than the other bed and you not doing XYZ calibration, does this mean you are also not using mesh bed leveling?
Do you have an idea of where in the firmware it needs to be modified to update the calibration pad and/or PINDA probe locations?
I am currently trying to finish this project: https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/original-prusa-i3-mk3s-mk3-user-mods-octoprint-enclosures-nozzles-.../build-prusa-i3-with-spare-parts-after-upgrades/
RE: upgrade mks 2.5 bed only
Hi jadedreddragon,
The mesh bed levelling works on top of the steel buildplate, where it cant see the sense pads, so I do use mesh bed levelling!
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: upgrade mks 2.5 bed only
Is there any problem using Mk52 12 volt with Mk2s firmware? I want to replace only the bed but since the Mk42 is 24 volt I dont want to burn the new Mk52 bed.
RE: upgrade mks 2.5 bed only
Um, isn't the Mk42 bed 12v? I've never seen a 24v version. The Mk 52 comes in both 12v and 24v.
The Mk2s firmware will probably not work well with the Mk52 bed. There are fewer sense points on the Mk52. This will probably fail the XYZ calibration or the Z calibration during initial setup.
The Mk2.5 firmware still uses all 9 points for Mesh bed leveling as it uses the spring steel build plate during the Mesh leveling. The steel build plate can be detected by PINDA at any position, which is fine for mesh bed leveling but not for initial XY calibration which needs the specific sense points. Mk2.5 firmware does the XY calibration with the steel build plate removed.
You could possibly set the XYZ calibration using the Mk42 bed and then replace it with a Mk52 without recalibrating XYZ. You would probably have to adjust the first layer height quite a bit. Of course you would have to re-install the Mk42 to calibrate XYZ for any reason.
Personally, I like the Mk2.5s firmware better than the Mk2s.
Hope this helps
Good Luck!
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RE: upgrade mks 2.5 bed only
I'm in a similar boat... I have a MK2S and would like to upgrade to the MK52 12V now...then do the extruder upgrade later on. I assume the MK2.5 firmware expects the new extruder and bed. MK2.25 firmware? 😎
RE: upgrade mks 2.5 bed only
the Prusa Mk42 heat bed was only 12 volts
here's a Link to the Prusa Website
as you can see the link even says Heatbed-Mk42-12V
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: upgrade mks 2.5 bed only
@joantabb Any comment on the https://shop.prusa3d.com/en/mk25mk25s/689-magnetic-heatbed-mk52-12v-assembly.html on my MK2S -- without doing the extruder? Should I continue running the MK2S firmware and hope I don't need to do a full XYZ re-calibration in the future?
RE: upgrade mks 2.5 bed only
You should only need XYZ calibration if your frame is out of true...
Mine was OK as a Mk1 and when tested as a Mk2 was still Ok...
your situation may be different.
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK