Mk2s -> Mk2.5s upgrade. Need help with MAX TEMPERATURE error
I got my upgrade kit yesterday, and have assembled the upgrade.
At first time powering on I got the MAX TEMPERATURE error with a loud beep.
When I disconnect the hotend termistor, I get a MIN TEMPERATURE error with no beeb.
In this state I flashed the firmware, and ran the wizzard.
All other fans, steppers and bed work, but the hotend test fails (with termistor disconnected).
I got my multimeter and checked if there is a short with the beeper tester, and the termistor is not fully shorted, as the multimeter does not beep.
I then checked the resistance of the termistor, and I got a reading of 55Kohms.
After googeling a bit, I found something that the e3d v6 should have a resistance of 100komhs, but the Prusha supplied termistor might be different?
Anyone know where to go from here? I really need this printer to work, and I'm sooo looking forward to print with the upgraded mk2.5s
Thanks in advance Magnus_e
RE: Mk2s -> Mk2.5s upgrade. Need help with MAX TEMPERATURE error
100K for Prusa thermisters at room temp
RE: Mk2s -> Mk2.5s upgrade. Need help with MAX TEMPERATURE error
Do you have any idea whats wtrong with it, wen its only 55K?
I guess current follow the path of less resistance.
Is my best shot just replacing it?
RE: Mk2s -> Mk2.5s upgrade. Need help with MAX TEMPERATURE error
Contact Prusa Support online chat and let you send a replacement.
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