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MK2.5 Upgrade Calibration Issue - Check Axes  

New Member
MK2.5 Upgrade Calibration Issue - Check Axes


Just spent memorial day upgrading my old MK2 to the MK2.5 kit. Was quite a day. Finished assembly and began calibrating but continue to run into the dreaded "Check the Axes and Run Again" error. Which is particularly tricky to trouble shoot. I have read the forum posts and checked quite a few things without turning up a solution. Specifically I have:

  • Checked the Z-Axis Nuts - All good and moves to top of frame
  • Rechecked the axes
  • Checked my hot end and heat sink fit, it is nestled in per the instructions
  • No filament holder (so no clash)
  • Run each axis from end to end...I only have a 3mm clash on the right side of the x-axis due to an older tensioning upgrade I put in. This shouldn't impact the calibration as it is failing way before that step.
  • Checked everything in this article: - see below for comments on auto home.
  • Check that the PINDA probe is working
  • After some thinking, I noticed that the autohome lands in different spots depending on what routine I am running. If I run the autohome routine, it gets the Pinda pretty close, but on XYZ calibration it starts pretty far away. I am speculating that because I am not autohoming properly, the pinda never picks up the signal.

    Not sure what else to do... I have taken a youtube of the autohome and was hoping the good folks here at the Prusa forums may be able to help.

    Posted : 30/05/2018 3:12 am
    Reputable Member
    Re: MK2.5 Upgrade Calibration Issue - Check Axes

    Finished assembly and began calibrating

    You mean, Finished assembly and flashed MK2.5 Firmware and began calibrating? if so, just factory reset the thing to wipe all the old settings out. if not then that's a problem 🙄

    Posted : 07/06/2018 5:03 am