Extruder temperature drop caused by part cooling fan
I resolved this with support chat's help but wanted to post in case anyone else experiences it.
After upgrading to MK2.5 my hotends temperature would drop 10 degrees when the part cooling fan came on after the first layer. Printing would occasionally pause with a "Heating...." message but the hotend temperature didn't really go up at all. Lowering the Fan Speed helped but didn't solve it completely.
Solved by removing front of extruder, removing nozzle (while hot) and turning the cooling fins to raise the heated block away from fans airflow.
Re: Extruder temperature drop caused by part cooling fan
Can you post photo how much you raised it?
I still have not solved this completely, currently working with fan speed reduced to 75% of max. speed. Also tried to solve on support chat. But they found no mechanical issues on my photos.
You can see bellow that my hotend fins are not outside the plastic part, still a bit hidden inside. I suppose this is correct.