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Need Help Printing ASA  

Active Member
Need Help Printing ASA

 ASA delaminated, not sure if it was during cool down or not?[/caption]

Ray Durham, [email protected]

Posted : 13/02/2024 6:43 pm
Trusted Member

Can you be more specific? I'm also debugging issues with printing ASA on my 2-tool XL. In my case, the nozzle clogs partway through the print. I have eliminated the following:

  1. The filament: I can reproduce the issue with 2 different brands of ASA - Push Plastic and Atomic Filament
  2. Extruder: I can reproduce the issue with both extruders on my 2-tool XL
  3. Filament temperature: I can reproduce the issue at 240C, 260C and 265C

I have cleaned the nozzle both externally and internally via cold pull, and each time, I remove the ground filament from the extrusion gears.

I never had this problem with my i3mk3S+ or my i3mk4. My current working theory is the filament is getting too soft to pull, due to temperature inside my enclosure. I will post updates when I have new info.

This post was modified 12 months ago by gglockner
Posted : 27/03/2024 9:21 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Need Help Printing ASA

I'm starting to find the issues: a combination of:

  • Multi-tool XL + OctoPrint
  • Bad slicer configuration for ASA

I'm still debugging this but I should have more information in a few days.

Posted : 29/03/2024 7:03 pm
Trusted Member

OK, a workaround for the slicer is to add the following to Filament Settings > Notes: HT_MBL10. You must be in Advanced or Expert mode to edit these Notes. This fixes an issue where the extruder does not get hot enough to wipe the filament and get the correct Z-height during bed probing. As I said, this is a workaround; I think there's a better way to fix this, but that will require further investigation and an update to the configuration file.

This post was modified 12 months ago 3 times by gglockner
Posted : 29/03/2024 8:36 pm